How to Get Testimonials for Your Business

Trustmary teamTrustmary team
Last edited: June 26th, 2024
nps questions

Getting business testimonials may seem like a daunting task.

After reading this article you most probably have changed your mind regarding the difficulty of this topic!

Customer Testimonials in a Nutshell

Customer testimonials come in all shapes and sizes. You can have the traditional short quote testimonials, testimonial videos, audio testimonials, online reviews and the more extensive studies.

More important than the type of testimonial you have is how you actually use customer testimonials effectively.

Where to Display Customer Testimonials

  • Creating a testimonial page
  • Embedding to website with widgets
  • Attaching to offers
  • Including in sales presentations
  • Using on social media
  • Adding social proof to your front page
  • Feature testimonials in your blog post

Having real social proof on your site always works better than using advertisements.

ads vs testimonials

Testimonial Examples for Business

Just to get a better understanding of the variety of customer testimonials, let’s go over some business testimonial examples.

eCommerce Customer Testimonial Example: Pure Waste

Pure Waste is has opted for showing just a few sentences from happy customers alongside with their names, locations and title if they provided one.

This is a great way to add credibility to your website without having to spend too much time.

ecommerce testimonial example

Testimonial Page and Case Stories: Staria

Staria has put effort into creating high-end customer success stories and dedicated an own testimonials page for showcasing them on their own website.

testimonial page case story

They’ve also used customer logos to highlight that big well-known brands trust them.

This tactic of using authority testimonials is very often used by all brands that have high-profile brands as their customers. The down-side with using only logos is that they lack context and are rather impersonal. They lack the relatability factor.

On Staria’s site, you can choose from which target market you’d like to see customer testimonials from. This is a nice add, as it helps the browser to find companies that are in a similar situation as they themselves are.

How to Get Testimonials for Your Business

Getting customer testimonials for your business is essential. They help you generate leads and sales.

According to BrightLocal, an average consumer reads as much as 10 reviews before trusting business and an average consumer spends 13 minutes and 45 seconds reading reviews before going through with a purchase.

That’s how important reviews and testimonials are for your business.

How to get testimonials that will help you boost conversions and build trust? If you don’t have enough (or any) testimonials, getting started might be a bit challenging.

Here are some ways on to get testimonials for your business, brand, website, product, or service:

1. Let Trustmary Get Them

We’ve build our testimonial tool exactly to get new testimonials. So far, we’ve worked with over 1000 clients to achieve their customer testimonial needs.

You can use our testimonial tool to gather testimonials in text or video formats. You can then embed the best testimonials to your website automatically using our customizable widgets.

Testimonial requests and surveys are usually the best approach to getting testimonials. Just ask your customers directly.

Create and share a testimonial request survey, send it out to all customers with a few clicks and enjoy the results.

business testimonial request form

2. Interviews

One option when you need in-depth reviews from customers is to conduct customer testimonial interviews.

The best thing about this technique is that it lets you have more control over the contents of the testimonial.

You can ask the questions you think are the most relevant. Furthermore, you’re able to ask them to elaborate on very specific parts.

You can shape the review as per your needs. For instance, if you want to focus on product features, ask relevant questions. If you want to focus on packaging, ask packaging-related questions.

All high-quality video testimonials are in a way interview testimonials.

3. Review Sites

Have you created your business account on niche review and testimonial sites? Do you check third-party sites and forums where your consumers can share their testimonials?

Review sites are one of the places where you can find testimonials. Yelp is the one of the examples where consumers might post reviews of you. You need to create accounts on all the review sites and especially to niche review sites.

There are certain review sites that work for all types of businesses like Google, Yahoo Yelp, and business directories.

In addition, there are several niche review sites where specific businesses can register and get testimonials. Think of Capterra which is home to business software and apps. It’s a niche review site for business software.

Businesses register their apps and consumers leave their reviews on the site.

The biggest benefit of getting your business or product registered on any review site is that you get exposure. Consumers might not post a testimonial on your website, but a lot of them will happily post a review on Google Maps.

Why Are Third-Party Review Sites Popular?

Third-party review sites are often viewed as being impartial and most helpful in finding unbiased information about companies.

Let’s look at Google Reviews as an example.

Because Google Maps is visited by millions of people every single day. Most importantly, it asks users to share their review once they visit a place.

It can’t be stressed enough that the best way to get more testimonials is to ask for them. Google is also popular among consumers, because it has a clear scoring system, and it’s a very well-known and trustworthy brand.

4. Social Mentions

A lot of customers publish testimonials all over the internet without realizing that they are posting a review.

For instance, people talk about their customer experience with different products in forums. Others might talk about your brand in Facebook comments for a post. Others might mention your product or brand in a blog comment or even make a Youtube or TikTok review video.

These unsolicited reviews from your customers are often found all over the internet.

You mightn’t know about these, but people surely talk about your product directly as well as indirectly. If you generate sales, you have unsolicited testimonials.

Here is what you need to do to get testimonials by active social listening:

Step #1: Find Unsolicited Testimonials

You need to find all the testimonials that you didn’t ask for. The easiest way to find them is by activating Google Alerts. Create alerts for your brand name, URL, product names, and all the possible keywords and phrases that are specific to your brand or product.

Alternately, you can use Mention which is a powerful social listening tool that will do much better than Google Alerts. You will be notified whenever someone mentions your brand or product.

This is the easiest way to find almost all testimonials and reviews that are unsolicited.

Step #2: Publish Them to Your Website

Handpick testimonials, import them and embed them to your website.

If you have great testimonials given to you privately through email or direct messages, you need to ask for the permission to post them.

Contact the customer privately and ask if you can publish their testimonial on your website.

Most of the customers will be willing to do so. You can consider compensating them in the form of a discount coupon or a gift card. One way is to ask them if they can write a more detailed testimonial or even provide you with a video testimonial.

The idea is to take testimonial and use it in your marketing.


Getting testimonials for your business isn’t really a big deal as long as you just do the work needed. Just ask and make asking part of your processes.

In the end you have to remember that the way you use testimonials is much more important than how you get them.

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Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.