Feedback form

Get Customer Feedback

Collect 2-4X more feedback and reviews with Trustmary.

  • Use ready-made customer feedback forms.
  • Measure NPS, CSAT, star ratings, and more.
  • Turn positive feedback into reviews.
customer satisfaction survey star or nps rating

Effective forms for feedback and reviews

With Trustmary, you don’t just create branded feedback surveys and get reports of the results.

You also utilize the positive feedback as social proof on your website.

lightbulb icon

More responses

The average response rate to Trustmary feedback forms is 20%.

star icon

More reviews

40% of feedback responses get turned into public reviews.

More customers

Raise your website conversions by 20% with reviews.


Trustmary ensures feedback is not forgotten, but used effectively to aid your business.

Get started in just a couple of minutes.

Get customer feedback

Here’s what our 10.000+ customers say about us

The best feedback method in the world

Get more responses and public reviews with Trustmary Method.


Measure customer satisfaction

(Use star rating, NPS, or CSAT)


Get open feedback

(Collect negative and positive comments)


Get customer reviews

(Showcase them on your website)

Do all this with the help of Trustmary’s feedback forms!

Start collecting feedback

Optimized and automated feedback forms

Are you tired of ineffective surveys and overthinking each question?

Trust us – use our optimized templates. Get it done in 5 minutes.

collect reviews to multiple platforms

Effective surveys

We know the recipe for maximizing feedback responses and reviews. All our templates are built on this principle.

share your review collection campaign to different channels

Distribute in various channels

Share your feedback forms through the channels your audience uses the best.

  • Email
  • Website popups
  • QR Code
  • SMS (only in EU/EEA)
  • Embeds in website

Automate surveys

Save time while knowing you always send the feedback forms at the right time.

  • Set intervals for sending
  • Use triggers to launch surveys
  • Send automatic reminders

Integrate with other tools

We integrate seamlessly with CRMs, Marketing Automation Systems and Content Management Systems.

  • Zapier
  • Make
  • Pipedrive
  • Hubspot
  • WordPress
  • And many more

Analyze results

Trustmary’s reporting makes your life easier by giving you an overview of the surveys.

  • Analyze each survey individually
  • Measure overall trends
  • Share reports with colleagues
  • Move data between systems

Support for all your questions

As a small and agile company, we value your feedback and are able to react to it swiftly. We also offer help with all your questions, regardless of how big or small they might be.

Start gathering feedback from your customers today!


Trustmary’s pricing depends on how much you use it. You can get started for free and get a limited number of responses to your surveys. The limit is reset each month. The free version might be enough for a small business with only a few customers, but an effective feedback strategy might require an upgraded plan. View pricing to learn more about the different plans.

Yes. You can customize all the questions, colors, and fonts of the feedback forms and add your logo. You can also add custom fields and use Trustmary surveys for various situations. However, if you wish to maximize reviews, we recommend sticking to the templates!

Yes, you can create various rules and conditions for the surveys. In fact, many of our templates already include conditional branching. Those who give you a low NPS score, for example, can give you open constructive feedback, and those who rate you well are asked to leave reviews.

You can distribute the feedback form with a link, email, SMS, QR code, website embed, or email signature to your customers. We also offer extensive automation for collecting feedback from your customers.

Yes, it definitely is. You can integrate our system with your CRM or Marketing Automation System natively to HubSpot and Pipedrive, use Zapier or Make for +3,000 other systems, and automate your customer feedback collection process with Trustmary automation features. Our team is happy to help you with setting up the suitable automation.

With Trustmary, you can create all kinds of surveys. The tool includes various question types, conditional logic, and even the possibility to translate the surveys.

However, the survey tool is best suited for customer and employee satisfaction surveys, such as NPS and CSAT. Additionally, you can collect reviews in text and video form. Forget Google Forms, and start using Trustmary to measure customer satisfaction and collect reviews.


Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.