8 Branded Google Review Widget Templates

Aino ValtonenAino Valtonen
Last edited: June 26th, 2024

Get the perfectly tailored Google review widget for your website in a few clicks.

Add Google reviews to website
the most stylish branded google review widget templates and how to add them to your website

There are many Google reviews widget providers, but they aren’t equal. Actually, we did a comparison of the 14 best review display tools.

According to our customers, the best Google reviews widget:

This article guides you through the principles of why Google reviews are a valuable addition to your digital marketing and introduces you to 8 branded Google review widgets that you can start using right away.

If you’re eager to implement Trustmary’s Google review right away, see the video tutorial and get cracking.

Steps to Adding a Customized Google Review Widget

  1. Import Google reviews to Trustmary
  2. Create a new widget
  3. Customize everything: Layout, number of reviews, order of reviews, fonts, colors, …
  4. Copy-paste embed code to your website
  5. Save changes
  6. Once changes are live, make sure to ask Google to crawl your page again (this can be done in Google Search Console)

Pro tip: Remember to purge the cache to see changes live faster.

What Are Google Reviews?

What even are Google reviews? Where can I find them? How can I use them?”

If this sounds like your thoughts, here’s a quick explanation.

Google reviews are reviews written by customers about your business – on Google, of course. In order to have Google reviews, you must have a Google Business profile.

When you do a Google search on a business or look them up on Google Maps, you will see their possible reviews under the business name and information.

how trustmary's google reviews are shown in serp snippet

Google reviews include a star rating and a comment by the user. The users are logged in to Google or using a Gmail account, which makes Google reviews more trustworthy than anonymous reviews.

If you don’t have Google Business Reviews yet, check out Trustmary’s solution for collecting more organic Google reviews.

In case you already have Google reviews, but want to see how they’d look embedded on your website, type in your location below ⬇️⬇️

Trustmary’s review widget automatically fetches your brand colors, fonts, and other branding elements from your website to ease the process for you.

No need to find those color hex codes or fonts from a list. Your widget will fir your brand perfectly right from the get-go ❤️

And no need to get that Google API key, either.

Google Review Widget: Where to Add It?

Google Business reviews are a necessity on the following pages:

  1. Home page
  2. About us page
  3. Pricing page
  4. Purchase-intent landing pages

No matter which website builder you have, using Trustmary is super easy.

You just copy-paste a HTML code to where you want your widget to be shown.

A Google review widget is a little tool that enables potential customers to see your business is reliable.

How to Embed Google Reviews Widget on Website

Installing a Google review widget can look different depending on which service provider you choose.

However, let’s talk about Trustmary.

We are not afraid to state this:

Trustmary is the fastest and easiest way to add Google reviews on your website.

An additional bonus is that you can also request even more fresh Google reviews while showing your existing reviews. A real win-win situation.

Here’s an example of how the Google business reviews widget could look like ⬇️

You can achieve the same with just three simple steps:

  1. Create your Google review widget. Trustmary will automatically fetch your Google reviews and create a widget for them.
  2. Copy the Google reviews widget code snippet.
  3. Paste the HTML code snippet to your website.

If you want, you can customize your widget in an easy widget editor. The changes will be automatically updated on your website.

adding a google reviews widget to your website can be done in three easy steps

You don’t have to do anything manually on your website builder after adding the widget code.

All changes can be made in Trustmary with our widget editor – and changes will appear on your website.

That’s not all: Trustmary also automatically prioritizes your best reviews! There are a few factors that Trustmary takes into consideration:

  • Star rating. The 5 and 4-star reviews are shown first.
  • Fresh reviews. The most recent reviews take priority over older ones.
  • Length. Longer reviews are found to be more effective, which is why Trustmary favors them.

Get a All-in-One Review Widget: Import Reviews

The Google review widget works on all major CMS and website builders, including:

Now, let’s see what kind of widgets you can use on your business page.

Review widget for Google Reviews – Free!

You can get started with Trustmary by embedding our free Google reviews widget called “Review widget”.

It is one of the best Google review widgets available that are free to use.

The widget is perfect for your homepage, as it takes little space but showcases many reviews at the time. While displaying existing reviews, you can ask to write a review on any third-party source you want.

All you need is a review link from that source.

This Google reviews widget is also a great attention grabber.

You can also import reviews from all other third-party sources, including for example Facebook, G2, and Capterra.

7 Google Review Embed Widgets to Choose From

If the Review Widget is not your cup of tea, there are many other alternatives to choose from that you can embed as inpage widgets.

Trustmary also has plenty of popup review widgets to choose from.

Carousel Showcase

The Carousel showcase widget is a classic choice. It’s one of our most popular widgets for homepages and landing pages thanks to its simple layout.

Review Carousel is elegant and adds a dash of interactivity to your page, as visitors can move the cards forward or backward.

If you’re unsure what are your most impactful reviews, Trustmary’s AI score will help you determine which reviews to show.

Overall Rating Widget

If you have reviews spread across different third-party platforms, try adding the overall rating from each of them to your website.

This reviews widget puts your star ratings in the spotlight, and is best to use it in-between different elements of your website. Or even above the fold to convince your visitors the second they land on your site.

Star Review Listing

A Star Review Listing is a simplistic and clear way to embed your Google reviews.

Like the Wall of Love, it’s best used on a separate reviews page. Especially if you want to display many reviews with this Google review widget.

However, you can hand-pick just a few reviews and fit them into a smaller space like a landing page. Here you can add very detailed reviews on top to catch the attention of your website scrollers.

star listing review to my website to add google reviews

Review Showcase

The Review Showcase widget highlights your positive reviews in simple blocks.

If you import reviews from multiple sources and use them in this widget, your website visitors can filter reviews based on the source.

Double Testimonial

Double Testimonial can, despite its name, feature more than two reviews. However, the optimal amount is 1–3 testimonials.

It’s a static and classic design that works best for longer reviews. The profile pictures are in a big role in the widget, so make sure you choose reviews that have those.

Hero CTA Google Reviews Widget

Add your most powerful Google reviews to above the fold with this stylish Hero CTA widget.

best hero cta widget for embedding google reviews on website

Wall of Love

Wall of Love is perfect for showcasing text and video reviews. If your Google reviews are left by users with profile pictures, their images are put in the spotlight.

The best place to use this widget is on a specific review page.

If you’ve collected reviews with Trustmary, you can also set the profile pictures to be on the fore-front.

This works wonders in putting your customer in the spotlight. It makes it easier for potential customers to relate to the person if they can see their profile picture better.

example of big profile pictured in widget

Try Popups to Display Google Reviews

If you aren’t using popups on your site, the chances are, you’re missing plenty of leads.

Popups are great because instead of being located on the page, they appear on the corner of the page. They don’t disrupt the website design in any way.

You can configure the pop-up to your desired pages.

Choose the pages carefully, as the pop-up might distract the visitor from other elements on the page.

google review popup to add on any website

More Google Reviews with Trustmary

In case you need more reviews to any third-party review platform, try Trustmary’s 3-1 customer survey tool.

With Trustmary Method, you get:

  • Customer satisfaction measures (NPS, star rating)
  • Open customer feedback
  • Customer reviews
  • Possibly third-party reviews

Quick, easy, and free to test out.

Some recent success stories include Kiwi X-press Transport getting:

  • +170 customer feedback
  • 69 reviews
  • 19 new Google reviews
  • Review page with all reviews
  • 40% review rate

In three months!

I mean… 👀

google review widget and getting new reviews

If you need more Google reviews, just type your location below and Trustmary’s onboarding will help you send your first campaign in minutes.

We have great customer review templates, so you don’t need to come up with them yourself.

Why You Should Embed Google Reviews on Website

Reviews are one of the most effective ways to convert website visitors into leads or customers.

It considers all industries and all types of businesses.

If you don’t have reviews on your website, people will go and search for them somewhere else.

Do you want external review sites to dictate the narrative of your business?

Of course not!

You can take the control back by embedding Google reviews on your website.

Installing a Google review widget leads to following benefits:

1. Build Trust 

You need to earn the customer trust immediately after they land on your site.

Otherwise, they will be looking for other options.

Building trust and credibility is tricky because people don’t believe what you say.

Everyone knows that you are a company trying to sell something. Of course you will try to impress the potential customer!

You need to show that there are people who trust and like your brand.

Only the opinions of actual customers can help new prospects realize your value.

Positive Google reviews are one of the best ways to highlight actual customers’ opinions.

building trust with reviews is crucial for companies of all sizes

2. Utilize Social Proof

Social proof is a huge thing in marketing.

People’s purchase decisions are heavily influenced by what other people do and say and potential buyers want to make informed decisions.

We are especially affected by the opinions of our peers and people we identify with.

Thus, online reviews from other ordinary people act as a persuasive marketing tactic. 

The more reviews you are able to showcase, the better.

3. Improve Your Website

If you are a small business, the chances are that you don’t have enough resources to perfectly optimize your website or your social media presence.

Embedding Google reviews widget is an easy way to elevate your website without coding skills.

A branded widget is a great eyecatcher and might even work as an interactive piece of content.

It can bring movement to your otherwise static website.

Can you imagine? A free and easy way to engage website visitors without knowing anything about custom CSS or JavaScript code!

4. Provide Useful Information

Reviews often include valuable information that your website might not include.

When you display Google reviews on your website, you let your customers be your copywriters.

And they’re the best kind!

Previous customers know exactly what information potential new customers need. After all, they’ve experienced the same pain points and found a solution from your services. 

In other words, you’re turning customer feedback into a valuable marketing asset.

5. Improve SEO

There are many ways in which reviews affect your search engine rankings.

Google loves relevant keywords, and well-written Google reviews are full of them! They help Google to identify what you do and show your site in relevant searches.

On top of that, Google loves websites that are able to engage visitors and keep them on the page for a long time.

Google review widgets can help you with that, too.

Visitors will spend a longer time on your site reading reviews and playing with the dynamic widget.

And what does better SEO performance do for your business?

More traffic!

google loves reviews on your website when they include the google review rich snippets

6. Ultimately, Get More Customers

All of this leads to a simple equation.

More visitors + more engagement + more trust + better information + peer pressure = more customers!

Authentic Google reviews on your website are one of the easiest, fastest, and cheapest ways to boost your customer acquisition efforts and increase conversions.

Are you willing to give it a try? All of these benefits could become a reality for your business when you place a widget on your website.

Focus on Your Online Presence

Having Google business reviews on your website helps you make the most of your existing website traffic

They increase trust and make your website more engaging, thus affecting SEO and customer experience.

All this leads to more customers and more sales.

Trustmary is the most reliable customer reviews widget that works on almost any website.

It reduces your manual workload by importing new reviews automatically, and prioritizing the best reviews in the widget.

Trustmary’s Google review widget is free and very easy to use. We believe we have the simplest onboarding you have ever experienced!

Are you ready to increase your credibility and get more customers from your website?

Embed Google reviews widget to your website with the free version today and start seeing results immediately!

You can continue using the free version until you need more features like more review sources to import from, or simply get a boost in your website traffic and need more widget views.

You can access the full features list on our pricing page.

Further Reading


Do I need a widget for Google Reviews?

If you have Google reviews, you should definitely start using a free Google reviews widget for your website. It helps you build trust and get more customers from your website.

What is a Google My Business review widget?

A Google My Business review widget is an element that you can install on your website, and it showcases your business reviews from Google. Trustmary offers a free and easy solution that requires no coding and works on any website.

How to get Google customer reviews?

In order to get positive customer reviews on Google, you must provide an excellent customer experience. On top of that, you can ask your customers to leave reviews: this enhances your likelihood of getting positive reviews. There are also a number of other ways to get more Google reviews.

Where can I use Google reviews widget?

Trustmary’s Google review widget is compatible with almost any website. You can add the widget to your WordPress website with a plugin, Shopify store, Wix, HubSpot, Squarespace, and many others.

It’s done with a simple copy-paste code snippet. 

How to embed Google reviews on website?

Trustmary has a 3-step process to easily embed a Google review widget on any website. 

  1. Type in your Google My Business location
  2. Copy the embed code snippet.
  3. Paste code snippet to your website.

Are Google reviews widgets GDPR compliant?

Trustmary offers GDPR-compliant services, as the company operates in Finland. You can read all about it in our legal overview.

Is there a widget for Google reviews?

A Google reviews widget is a little add-on for your website that allows you to display existing Google reviews on your website.

It’s great for boosting trust without directing visitors to leave your website.

Aino Valtonen
Aino Valtonen
Aino Valtonen is a Growth Marketer at Trustmary. With a background in Linguistics, she is an expert in language and communication, as well as local SEO and review marketing.


Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.