Introducing the Best Survey: 5 Point Scale

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Last edited: September 20th, 2024

Start using the easiest 5-point scale survey tool – Trustmary.

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In a world where customer feedback holds the key for businesses to grow; it is vital to have a tool at your disposal that can help you tap into this valuable resource

Surveys and questionnaires can help you do that and more. However, the sheer number of feedback survey types available can be overwhelming. Which one should you use for your business?

Enter 5 point scale surveys, more commonly known as Likert scale surveys.

A Likert scale questionnaire is easy to use yet hard to master. Worry not! In this article, we will study

  • the 5 point scale survey,
  • 9 Likert scale questions, and
  • the benefits of using the 5 point scale compared to other options. 

I will round it off by giving you an example of a stand-out 5 point scale survey that you can use to reference your own business.

If you want to skip this guide and start creating your own 5-point scale surveys right away with Trustmary

Trustmary’s easy survey maker includes many templates for your needs.

If you want to learn more about the topic, keep reading!

Let’s begin. 

What is a 5 Point Scale Survey?

A close-ended question with five answer choices is known as a 5 point scale question. Surveys that feature these questions is called 5 point scale survey. 

Imagine a scenario where you want to find out how your employees feel about the casseroles in the breakroom. Are they too salty? Just right? Not enough variety? You could ask them outright, but then you might get biased answers.

An inefficient way would be to ask them many questions with a yes/no answer type. That would take forever, and you would still not have accurate data.

The 5 point scale survey comes to the rescue in such a situation.

Using a simple question like “How do you feel about the casseroles in the breakroom?” with answer options ranging from “Very Satisfied” to “Very Unsatisfied,” you can easily get an idea about how people feel about the casseroles without having to ask a lot of questions.

The 5 point scale survey is a type of Likert scale questionnaire that uses a five-point agreement scale to collect data. 

5 point scale survey question use case

This type of questionnaire works very well both in B2C and B2B contexts.

The Likert scale survey is named after its inventor, American psychologist Rensis Likert. Furthermore, the term Likert item means the particular statement that the respondent is asked to agree or disagree with.

How are Likert Scales Represented?

5 point likert scale representation

The 5 point scale survey is one of the most commonly used survey types. It is easy to use yet can provide detailed data about customer opinions and attitudes

The most common representation of the Likert scale consists of five agree/disagree points, which are:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

Advantages of Likert Scales

There are several advantages of using Likert scale questionnaires compared to other types of surveys:

advantages of using likert scales in surveys

Disadvantages of Likert Scales

That said, like other survey-scale questions, it has its limitations too:

  • The scale is not always accurate and does not allow the respondent to express their opinion in detail.
  • The answers can become biased based on previous questions.
  • Some people avoid choosing the extreme positions on the scale (i.e., “Strongly Disagree” or “Strongly Agree”) to appear more neutral.

There are various ways to tackle these disadvantages. In the “The Best 5 Point Scale Survey” section, you will learn about them. 

However, before we do that, let’s go over the typical questions asked in a Likert scale survey.

Alternative 5 Point Scale: 5 Star Rating

5 Star Rating Explained

A 5-star rating system is a popular method for gathering quick feedback, commonly used in customer reviews and satisfaction surveys. It offers a straightforward way for respondents to rate their experience or satisfaction level from 1 to 5 stars.

Benefits of the 5-star rating:

  • Simplicity: Easy for respondents to understand and use.
  • Quick feedback: Ideal for capturing immediate reactions.
  • Visual appeal: Stars are universally recognized and visually engaging.

Implementation tips:

  • Ensure clarity: Define what each star represents.
  • Consistency: Use the same scale across surveys to maintain data integrity.
  • Combine with comments: Allow for additional written feedback to provide context to ratings.
measure customer satisfaction with star rating, nps or csat

Comparison: Numeric 5-Point Scale vs. 5-Star Rating

FeatureNumeric 5-Point Scale5-Star Rating
Ease of UseSimple, but requires understandingExtremely simple and intuitive
DetailOffers precise feedbackMore general, less nuanced
Visual AppealLess visually engagingHighly engaging and recognizable
Data AnalysisEasier to quantify and analyzeMay require conversion for analysis
ContextCan include descriptive labelsOften combined with written reviews
ConsistencyConsistent across different surveysCan vary based on implementation

The numeric 5-point scale provides more detailed feedback and is easier to analyze, while the 5-star rating form is more intuitive and visually appealing, making it ideal for quick, general feedback.

Areas That a Likert Scale Question Can Target

When preparing your Likert items or Likert scale questionnaire, it is crucial to keep your questions short, clear, and to the point. 

Why? Because you want to avoid confusion and get accurate answers. Furthermore, your customers want to answer your questions quickly and move on.

Before we head into the questions, highlighting the various areas that a Likert question ‘scales’ target is beneficial. 

The following table will tell you about different areas that a Likert item can target and the various scale points used. 

Agree to DisagreeStrongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
SatisfactionVery Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
LikelihoodVery Unlikely
Very Likely
Good to BadVery Poor
Very Good
Very Poor
ImportanceVery Important
Very Unimportant
DifficultyVery Easy
Very Difficult
Comparing Two ProductsMuch Worse
Slightly Worse
No Difference
Slightly Better
Much Better
Level of FamiliarityNot at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
ReflectionVery untrue to me
Untrue to me
Somewhat untrue to me
Neither true nor untrue of me/Somewhat true of me
True to me
Very true to me
My BeliefVery untrue of what I believe
Untrue of what I believe
Somewhat untrue of what I believe
Neither true nor untrue of what I believe
Somewhat true of what I believe
True of what I believe
Very true of what I believe
Level of AwarenessNot at all aware
Slightly aware
Moderately aware
Very aware
Overall ImpressionDidn’t get what I wanted
Got a little of what I wanted
Got most of what I wanted
Got exactly what I wanted
Knowledge of ActionNever true
Rarely true
Sometimes true
Often true
Always true
Affect onNo affect
Minor affect
Moderate affect
Significant affect
Very significant affect
Level of AcceptabilityTotally unacceptable
Slightly unacceptable
Slightly acceptable
Perfectly acceptable
Level of AppropriatenessAbsolutely inappropriate
Slightly inappropriate
Slightly appropriate
Perfectly appropriate
Level of ConcernNot at all concern
Slightly concern
Moderately concern
Very concern
Extremely concern
Level of ProbabilityNot probable
Slightly probable
Moderate probable
Very probable
Extremely probable
Level of InfluenceNot at all influenced
Slightly influenced
Moderately influenced
Very influenced
Extremely influenced

Some vital things to take away from the above are that a Likert scale questionnaire can measure different levels and intensities using multiple scale points.

Also, the Likert item should be based on what you want to find out from your survey respondents.

9 Typical Likert Scale Questions

Now that we have a better understanding of what areas Likert scales cover, let’s look at some typical questions.

9 typical likert scale questions

For clarity, we have divided the questions into nine different sections

1. Customer Service Satisfaction Survey

For a customer service satisfaction survey, choose the liker scale survey questions so that they clearly point to the customer service situation.

Avoid generic customer feedback questions like “how was your experience today” or “how would you rate our business”. Stick to something like the example here:

How satisfied are you with the quality of our customer service?

  • Very Unsatisfied
  • Unsatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

2. Product Satisfaction Survey

Customer satisfaction regarding the product is extremely helpful information. It can guide you in the product development process and helps you differentiate between product satisfaction and customer service satisfaction.

How satisfied are you with the product/services?

  • Very Unsatisfied
  • Unsatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

3. Product Features Importance

Software companies, hear this.

If you want to learn more about what your customers really need from you, ask them about the importance of each feature. It will help you discover sentiment levels regarding detailed product information.

How important are product features to you?

  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Neutral
  • Unimportant
  • Very Unimportant

How important is the automatic tagging feature to you?

  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Neutral
  • Unimportant
  • Very Unimportant

4. Likelihood to Recommend

Likelihood to recommend reveals a great deal about customer satisfaction. While you can use a 5 point Likert scale to measure it, there’s also a specific tool for it: the Net Promoter Score.

Here’s an example of an NPS survey:

And here’s how it would look like as a 5 point Likert survey:

How likely are you to recommend our product/services to a friend or colleague?

  • Very Likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Unlikely
  • Very Unlikely

Pro tip: if a customer states their willingness to recommend, why not let them? With Trustmary, you can create surveys that turn positive feedback into public testimonials.

5. Customer Service Expectation

Inspecting how customers viewed customer service in relation to their expectations reveals more than just the level of customer service. It tells you how highly customers think of your brand in the first place.

Think about it like this: when you don’t expect anything from a brand, you are satisfied with a lower level of customer service. On the other hand, if you enter a premium store, you might expect a very high level of customer service. If they fail to provide it or only offer average service, you might rate them low on this survey.

To what extent did our customer service meet your expectations?

  • Exceeded expectations
  • Met expectations
  • Neutral
  • Did not meet expectations
  • Did not receive service

You might also present another type of question here:

customer service expectation 5 point scale survey

6. Quality of Product

Collecting data on what customers think about the quality of your products and services is crucial. It helps you see if people regard your brand of high quality or not.

If you reach high points in a survey like this, you might want to consider if your prices could be increased a little bit… People are willing to pay more for premium!

How good is the quality of our product/services?

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  • Very Poor

7. Ease of Use

If your product is difficult to use, it might prevent people from continuing their business with you. You must tackle this issue immediately.

ease of use question in surveys

How easy is it to use our product/services?

  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Neutral
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult

8. Price of Product

Of course, price plays a great role in purchase decisions. Here’s a question you might want to ask when doing market research:

How important is the price of the product/services to you?

  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Neutral
  • Unimportant
  • Very Unimportant

And here’s how you can find out if you offer the adequate price or not:

The price of the product/service matches the value.

  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree

Notice what I did here: you can flip the script and instead of asking questions, you can present statements and measure the level of agreement that customers have with the statements.

9. Time it Took to Receive Product

Sometimes, the problem is not with your product or brand. Customer experience and satisfaction are effected also by things like shipping.

You should know what your customer’s stance about shipping is, so that you can make sure you are collaborating with the right partners.

How much time did it take to receive the product/services?

  • Very Quick
  • Quick
  • Neutral
  • Slow
  • Very Slow

When creating your Likert scale questionnaire, keep a few key things in mind.

  1. Decide on the purpose of your survey. What are you looking to find out from your respondents?
  2. Consider the different levels and intensities that you want to measure.
  3. Choose the questions that will best help you reach your objectives.
  4. Once you have decided on the questions, it is important to be clear and concise in your wording.
  5. Make sure that the questions are easy to understand and answer.
  6. Finally, decide on the number of answer options (scale points). Too many or too few answer options can impact the reliability of your Likert scale data.

Five is often a good number of answer options for Likert scale responses. But why, though? 

The answer to that question is in the next section!

If you are content with your learning this far, why not start creating your surveys immediately? Start a free trial for Trustmary’s survey maker.

Benefits of Using 5 Point Scale Survey

Before I list down the various benefits of giving the audience five options for Likert scale responses- 5 point Likert scale, we must understand the difference between the forced and unforced Likert scales.

Forced Likert Scale

benefits of using 5 point scale survey

Likert scales with an even number of points is a forced Likert scale, i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

It is called a forced Likert scale because it forces the respondents to choose one side of the scale or the other. It does not allow them to answer with a “neutral” response.

For example, if you ask a question on a four-point Likert scale, the respondent would be forced to answer “agree,” “somewhat agree,” “somewhat disagree,” or “disagree.”

Unforced Likert Scale

On the other hand, odd-numbered Likert scales are unforced, i.e., 3, 5, 7, 9.

This type of Likert scale allows the respondent to choose a “neutral” response if they do not feel strongly about either side of the scale.

For example, if you were to ask a question on a five-point Likert scale, the respondent would be able to answer “strongly agree,” “agree,” “neutral,” “disagree,” or “strongly disagree.”

Now that we have looked at the difference between forced and unforced Likert scales, why is it recommended to offer five options compared to four or seven?

5 Vs. 4 Point Scale Survey

4 vs 5 point scale surveys

It is often recommended to offer five points on a Likert scale survey; here’s why:

1. The 5 point Likert scale survey is more versatile

A five-point Likert scale allows for a wider range of responses, which can help measure opinions and attitudes that fall in the middle of the scale.

2. The 4 point scale survey can lead to distorted results

With 4 point Likert scales, the respondent may feel forced to choose one of the options, even if they do not fully agree or disagree with it. That can lead to distorted results.

3. The 5 point scale survey encourages participation

Offering five points on a Likert scale can encourage more respondents to participate in your survey. They feel like they have more options to choose from, and their answers are not being pigeon-holed.

5 Vs. 7 Point Scale Survey

There are a few reasons why it is often recommended to offer seven points on a Likert scale survey; however, 5 scale points are more popular because:

1. The 5 point scale survey allows for higher quality data

Offering five points compared to seven points can help you collect higher-quality data. Respondents are more likely to carefully consider their answers when there are fewer options to choose from.

2. Some respondents find 7 point scale surveys too long.

Some respondents may find a seven-point Likert scale survey too long and tedious to complete. They may rush through their answers or skip questions altogether.

3. The 5 point scale survey is easier to analyze

The five-point Likert scales are also easier to analyze than the seven-point scales. There are fewer response options to examine, making it simpler to identify patterns and trends in the Likert scale data.

To summarize all we have learned in this section, here are five benefits of using a 5 point scale survey:

  • A Likert item with five answers gives the respondent more room to express their opinion, yielding a more accurate measure of attitudes and opinions.
  • A five-point Likert scale is more versatile than a four-point scale and can measure opinions and attitudes that fall in the middle of the scale.
  • A five-point Likert scale encourages participation, as respondents feel they have more options.
  • A five-point scale allows for higher quality data. Respondents are more likely to consider their answers when there are fewer options carefully.
  • The data analysis of a Likert item featuring a five-point value is simpler than the seven-point value since there are fewer response choices to examine.

Now that we have gone over the typical Likert items and seen that offering five points is indeed the most effective way, let’s learn about the best 5 point scale survey!

The Best 5 Point Scale Survey – And Why It Works

The best 5 point Likert scale survey is designed to be simple and easy to use while still providing accurate data.

The following survey helps you do the following:

  • Segment your audience by asking demographic questions.
  • Find out their thoughts and opinions on your brand, products, services, etc., using five-point Likert scale questions. 
  • Expand their answers with the help of open-ended questions. 
  • Furthermore, we will begin and end the survey by thanking the respondent for their time to show that their opinion is valued.

Now let’s dive right into the best 5 point Likert scale survey.

The Best Likert Scale Questionnaire

Layout of the survey

  1. Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. We appreciate it!
  2. What is your job title?
  3. How likely are you to recommend our company/products/services to a friend or family member?
  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neither likely nor unlikely
  • Unlikely
  • Very unlikely
  • 4. How satisfied are you with our company/products/services?
  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • 5. We are pleased to receive your feedback. Thank you for your time!

To create personalized 5-point scale surveys and questionnaires, use our drag-and-drop survey maker.

So why do I think this is one of the best examples of a 5 point scale survey?

A Quick, Easy, and Effective Survey: 5 Point Scale

Recall the disadvantages of the 5 points Likert scale: 

  • Respondents can’t express their opinions in detail
  • The answers can be biased based on previous questions

In the example survey above, we navigate both of those disadvantages. 

Firstly, we allow the audience to express their opinions in more detail with the help of open-ended questions. 

Secondly, we avoid biasing the respondent’s answers by opening the survey with demographic questions instead of leading or suggestive questions. 

Also, note the tone of the questions. They are direct but not too demanding, which can also lead to more accurate answers.

As a final point, Likert scales shine when the questions are focused on one topic. Furthermore, grouping questions around the same topic can also help maintain focus. 

The above example survey is a customer feedback form that keeps the customer satisfaction questions focused on the company, products, and services, asks details, and avoids biased answers without pressuring the interviewee.

Start Creating Surveys

So what have we gathered from this article?

First and foremost, the 5 points Likert scale is a versatile tool used in several settings. Five point rating scales are perfect for polls, surveys, and questionnaires because it helps to reduce bias and allows for more accurate responses.

Likert scale questions target customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction levels, product/service quality, etc. 

Five points Likert scale questions are perfect for those instances when you want to get a quick reading of the respondent’s opinion.

Compared to 4 point and 7 point scale questions, 5 points scales are easier to answer and produce less bias. 

Finally, the example survey provided is an excellent illustration of how to ask 5 points Likert scale questions. If you’re looking to create your survey, consider using some of the tips and tricks from the example.

Use a Software to Create and Send Surveys

Whether you want to measure satisfaction using Likert scale questionnaires or collect feedback that helps improve your business, by providing you with undeniable social proof, Trustmary can help you. 

Trustmary offers an easy way to collect feedback from your customers, turn feedback into public testimonials, and automate the whole process.

Book a meeting today and learn more about how Trustmary can help you!

If you want to explore the survey maker, start a free trial below.

Review Requests + 5 Point Scale??? 👀

In a sense, review requests can be interpreted as being a 5-point rating scale. Instead of numbers, they use stars to gather performance data.

Do you know how your customers feel about your products and services?

Would you like to know?

With Trustmary, you can create a review campaign to collect more organic reviews while also getting valuable feedback about your business.

In case you already have Google reviews, but are looking to collect more to boost your SEO with reviews, start the process by searching for your Google my Business location below ⬇️⬇️


What is a 5 point rating scale?

A 5 point rating scale is a common tool used in surveys, questionnaires, and polls. It allows the respondent to express their opinions quickly.

The 5 points refer to the five answers available to the respondent:

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

It features a “neutral” option, which helps to reduce bias and allows for more accurate responses.

How do you calculate a 5 point scale?

There’s no one definitive way to calculate a 5 point scale. However, one of the most common methods is to take the average of the two extremes (Very Satisfied and Very Dissatisfied). 

  • For example, if your survey responses are as follows: Very Satisfied: 25%, Satisfied: 50%, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied: 20%, Dissatisfied: 5%, Very Dissatisfied: 0%; The average would be (25 + 0) / 2 = 12.5%.
  • This method is quick and easy, but it doesn’t consider the “neutral” option. 

Another method to calculate the mean of all responses is by having cell ranges for each answer by assigning them a point value and then averaging the responses in each cell. 

  • That is a more complex method, but it gives a more accurate data reading. 
  • For a quick reference, a numerical value from 1 to 1.80 represents (strongly disagree), 1.81 to 2.60 represents (do not agree), 2.61 to 3.40 represents (true to some extent), 3:41 to 4:20 represents (agree), 4:21 to 5:00 represents (strongly agree).

Are 5 point scales ordinal or interval?

Likert scaling is usually ordinal. An ordinal scale has intervals between the points that are not equal. 

Ordinal data is often used when the order of the responses is important. For example, when measuring satisfaction, the answers would be very satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, and very dissatisfied.

However, if the 5 points are converted to numbers (1-5), the scale becomes interval and offers a numerical value. 

What are some various ways to analyze 5 point scales?

There are various ways to analyze data for a 5 point Likert scale. You can opt for statistical, graphical, or tabular analysis. 

The responses can be converted to a quantitative value; thus, you can use the following:

  • The reliability test or Cronbach’s alpha can be used to test the reliability of the 5 point scale. 
  • Bar charts, median, mode, and range can be used for graphical analysis. 
  • Quartiles, percentiles, standard deviation, t-test, and ANOVA can be used for tabular analysis.

Why is 5 point scale better?

5 point scale is better compared to the higher-point scales, as it is shorter, and people think more carefully about which point they should choose.

Compared to a 4 point scale, it provides more accurate results, as people can choose a neutral option if they are not sure about their opinion.

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