Collect Reviews With Firmao CRM Automatically

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Last edited: June 12th, 2024

Connect Firmao CRM with Trustmary and start collecting reviews on autopilot

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firmao and trustmary integration

Collecting reviews doesn’t have to be complicated or call for a lot of effort.

This guide shows you how to collect reviews and feedback directly from your Firmao CRM – automatically!

All you have to do is set up a Trustmary and Firmao integration via Zapier and get cracking.

What Is Firmao CRM?

If you haven’t been utilizing a Customer Relationship Management software yet, check out Firmao CRM.

Firmao provides a cloud-based online CRM software aimed at small businesses especially in the manufacturing, service and sales sectors. The Firmao CRM is one of the most popular CRM systems in Europe.

Firmao CRM frontpage

It streamlines your business in several ways:

  1. Track customer interactions and keep everyone in the company informed about the latest actions.
  2. Nurture leads more effectively.
  3. Increase customer retention by monitoring relationships.

If you wish, you can take on additional features such as:

  • Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) software
  • Invoicing management
  • Productivity management and time tracking
  • Live chat and callback system on website

All in all, by using Firmao CRM you can reduce the software costs in your business by implementing all necessary functions on one platform.

Not to mention how many other functions you can add and automate by adding integrations via Zapier!

Trustmary is one of the systems you can integrate with Firmao via Zapier.

When you do that, you can collect customer feedback and reviews directly from your Firmao CRM on top of all other functionalities.

In short, you have the best customer feedback tool you need to grow!

Why Should I Collect Reviews with Firmao?

When you integrate your Firmao CRM with Trustmary, you can achieve many benefits.

Improve Your Business With Customer Feedback

First of all, no business can thrive without knowing its status among the customers.

Happy customers are the lifeblood of all businesses. But some businesses make the mistake of not actually finding out what their customers think.

When you collect feedback and reviews from customers with Firmao, you can keep track of what customers say about you.

Follow the overall customer satisfaction trends as well as the individual customers’ health.

Based on customer feedback, you can make improvements to your business that lead to:

  • Better customer satisfaction
  • Higher customer retention
  • Increased customer lifetime value
  • Reduced customer acquisition costs
  • More revenue for your business!
Mary being happy

Save Hours of Time Each Week

But collecting feedback and reviews is so much effort!

Well, if you still send feedback surveys by hand, you’re right. Who has time for that? And who remembers to do it consistently?

When you integrate your CRM system with Trustmary, you don’t have to worry about manual sending anymore.

You can set up automation flows that send feedback surveys and review requests at the right time to the right customers.

As a result, you’ll get more feedback with less effort.

Get More and Better Customer Reviews

Reviews are essential, as today’s consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision.

Businesses that have no reviews have no credibility in the eyes of potential customers.

However, many businesses merely trust that their customers will leave reviews when they are happy. It’s not a realistic expectation. Usually, people only leave reviews when they are extremely happy or extremely upset with a service or product.

extremely happy and extremely upset customers are more likely to leave reviews

And yet, there are so many people between these two extremes! Studies show that over 70% of satisfied customers would leave a review if they had an easy way to do so.

It means you have to provide your customers with the simplest possible way to leave reviews.

When you collect reviews with Firmao and Trustmary, you get more and better reviews.

The simple collection flow ensures that both you and your customers use as little time on the process as possible, making it easy to request and leave reviews.

Make Your Website Convert Better

As stated before, reviews play a significant role in purchase decisions.

By showcasing authentic customer reviews on your website, you can increase your website’s conversion rate. This means you can get more leads and sales from the same number of website visitors!

Take a look at these results Trustmary users have reached before:

Adding authentic customer reviews to your website is easy with the Trustmary integration. All you have to do is copy and paste a code snippet to your website, and you have a stylish review widget that helps you increase conversions.

high five

Earn Online Reputation and Improve SEO

In addition to collecting reviews natively, you can ask for more online reviews for various review websites, such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, and more.

What does this mean to your business?

When you have reviews on multiple review websites, you increase your online visibility and reputation.

People search for experiences of your service, and when you have reviews online, potential customers will find and read these reviews.

So, in addition to building trust for your business, reviews can boost your search engine visibility as well!

Turning Firmao CRM Into A Review Machine

Now you know the benefits of collecting reviews with Firmao. All that’s left to do is to kick off the review collection flow!

Let’s see how to get started with the process.

Step 1: Log in to Firmao and Trustmary

If you haven’t done it yet, create an account for Firmao CRM and Trustmary

Upon joining, there are some tasks you’ll have to complete in both systems, such as adding contact lists of your customers.

Remember that each service has customer support in place – we are happy to help you with the process!

Step 2: Create A Survey

Next, create a survey form in Trustmary. 

You can simply choose one of the ready-made templates, as they are optimized for collecting feedback and reviews.

Step 3: Integrate via Zapier

Connect the two apps via Zapier and build an automation. 

Choose the desired Firmao events that should trigger a survey in Trustmary.

For example, you can choose to send a review request every time a contact’s status is changed to “Transaction completed”. This way you only have to manage a contact in Firmao, and everything else happens automatically.

Step 4: Make Use of Your Reviews

Now you should have a steady flow of new reviews coming in. If not, you can try these tips to encourage people to leave reviews.

The next step is to make the most of your reviews:

Trustmary offers solutions for each of the above steps, so you can manage your whole review process with one easy tool.


A CRM system such as Firmao can be turned into a powerful tool for collecting reviews and feedback from customers. You just need the right integrations.

By connecting Firmao CRM with Trustmary, you can collect new customer reviews on autopilot.

The integration enables a plethora of automation flows that ensure you are sending review requests at the perfect time.

To get started, sign up for Firmao (if you haven’t already) and Trustmary, connect them in Zapier, and start building your dream team for review collection!


How can I collect reviews with Firmao?

When you integrate Firmao and Trustmary, you can send reviews automatically to contacts based on events on Firmao. For example, when you mark a deal as won, Trustmary can automatically send a review request for the contact person.

How do I integrate Trustmary and Firmao?

The integration happens via Zapier, a platform specifically designed for connecting different apps with each other and creating automations. You can simply write what you want to do, and Zapier will give you the first suggestion on how the automation flow could look like.

Why should I gather reviews via Firmao?

Reviews are extremely important for your business: you learn from the negative reviews and the positive reviews give you a boost of social proof, along with other benefits. Thus, collecting reviews should be a constant process, and it should be attainable for you and your staff. With a Firmao and Trustmary integration, the review collection happens “on the side” when you do your daily CRM activities.

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Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.