10+ Best Customer Feedback Tools for 2024 [updated]

Trustmary teamTrustmary team
Last edited: September 13th, 2024

The bigger your company is, the more common it is to use customer feedback tools.

Nowadays, there are many software solutions out there that help in all aspects related to customer feedback:

  • Measure customer satisfaction
  • Collect customer feedback
  • Analyse customer insights

Let’s find the best fit for your needs!

What Is Customer Feedback?

Customer feedback consists of all the feedback your existing customers are giving you through all possible channels.

They might leave you a review on Google or Facebook, send an email to customer support or directly to their contact person or tell it to you face to face.

If every business owner took the time to listen to what their customers have to say, their businesses would develop faster and grow with more ease.

If you’re a business owner and want to become even more successful, pay close attention to customer feedback. It’ll tell you

  • What you’re doing well
  • Areas you still need to improve on
  • How your customer service has succeeded
  • What your customer experience is like
  • Improve customer satisfaction in the long run

You can collect, measure and analyze customer feedback in multiple ways.

One method requires you to extract and analyze tons of data using specific tools. The other is to start collecting customer feedback directly from the source, your customers, with surveys and customer satisfaction questionnaires.

We’ve put this collection of customer feedback tools that can help you improve your offers based on your customer’s feedback.

Understanding the Importance of Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is a must if you want to grow your business and build a healthy brand that people will come back to.

You must understand what your customers want so you can provide a better offer and get an edge over your competitors.

It’s very important that you communicate with your customers and ask them what they think about your offer and what could be improved.

However, the way you contact your customer is as important as contacting them in the first place.

Close the Customer Feedback Loop

The line between following up immediately after purchase and spamming your customers with long and detailed surveys is very thin, so you must choose your approach wisely.

Here’s a simple breakdown of a customer feedback loop:

  1. Customer experience happens
  2. Customer or user feedback is given
  3. Customer insights and feedback data are analyzed, issues are fixed
  4. Actionable insights are shared internally and externally
close the customer feedback loop

Let the Voice of Customer Be Heard

To get customers feedback and get actual data on the voice of customer, your questionnaires and customer surveys have to be on point, customized, and relevant.

Don’t ask customers to provide their thoughts on deeply technical product features, if your goal is to collect customer feedback on the overall experience.

You don’t want to bother customers, but you still want to get the information you can use in the future.

Opt for using top customer feedback tools, which will cover all your customer relations needs.

Software solutions that are designed to help you get insight into what your customers think without bothering them.

Customer feedback tools are also ideal for building a strong relationship with your customers, to reduce customer churn, and increase customer retention.

Tips for Online and Small Businesses

Your customers are your biggest asset.

If they already chose your products and came back for more, you should ask them why that is and what exactly do they like about your product or offer.

It’s much easier to satisfy returning customers than attract new ones, which is why you should ask your old customers why they stay true to your offers. You can do that by using all kinds of techniques such as:

  • Providing a free customer support helpline
  • Including a FAQ section on your website
  • Following up sales with short surveys
  • Providing free products or discounts for recurring customers
  • Offering incentives for answering your customer feedback surveys

Building a strong relationship with your customers is one of the best methods for increasing sales. You will build trust with each recurring customer, and they will spread the word about your business.

Collecting & Analyzing Customer Feedback Is Never-ending

The idea is to keep improving your offer and service based on customers’ wishes. This means that you’ll have to ask your customers to provide you with feedback regularly.

Have you already tried to place a feedback form on your website?

You can use the surveys to inform your customers about new products and offers while getting priceless information that will allow you to strengthen your relationship even further.

Making quick one-off profits might boost your sales, but you won’t get a stable base to grow your business in the long-run.

By showing your customers that you care about their thoughts, you will build a strong bond that will benefit both sides and lead to better offers and more sales in the future.

Start measuring your customer loyalty by doing regular NPS surveys, automating customer effort score surveys to key touch points in the customer journey and constantly collecting customer feedback with feedback widgets on your website.

Check out our comparison of the best NPS tools to try.

11 Best Customer Feedback Tools for 2024

Let’s go over the pros and cons of 10 best tools to try. While we’re at it, we’ll also evaluate how much they’ll cost you.

Feature Comparison Table for Customer Feedback Tools

Let’s analyze quickly the different capabilities of a handful of different feedback tools by the following categories

  1. Multi-Channel Feedback Collection
  2. Real-Time Analytics
  3. Integration Capabilities
  4. Pricing
  5. Unique Selling Points
Tool NameMulti-Channel Feedback CollectionReal-Time AnalyticsIntegration CapabilitiesPricingUnique Selling Points
SurveyMonkeyYesYesSlack, Salesforce, Microsoft TeamsFree, Paid plans from $25/moExtensive question bank, user-friendly interface
Zonka FeedbackYesYesHubSpot, Google Sheets, Slack$49/moOmni-channel feedback, real-time reporting
QualarooYesYesGoogle Analytics, HubSpot, Slack$80/moBehavior-triggered surveys, deep user insights
TypeformYesYesSlack, Zapier, Google SheetsFree, Paid plans from $35/moConversational surveys, extensive customization options
HotjarYesYesZapier, Google Analytics, HubSpotFree, Paid plans from $32/moHeatmaps, session recordings, real-time feedback collection
TrustmaryYesYesHubSpot, Pipedrive, ZapierFree, Paid plans from $24/moAutomated testimonial collection, easy survey creation and distribution


Trustmary is a tool that focuses on

  • Helping customers get feedback
  • Turn the feedback to reviews and
  • Leverage the reviews in your marketing.

Gathering and analyzing feedback is just one part of Trustmary.

Trustmary Method flywheel

You should especially consider Trustmary if you are a sales organization that also wants to get ROI out of the customer feedback you get.

Key Features of Trustmary

  • Drag and drop survey-maker
  • Survey templates to choose from
  • Measure Net Promoter Score, CSAT and CES
  • Targeted surveys
  • Analyze results and see answer history for respondents
  • Automations available
  • Integrate with your CRM (create a testimonials generator!)
  • Collect testimonials
  • Import review from other platforms
  • Showcase testimonials on your website (with a feedback widget or create a testimonial page)
  • Pricing starts from a freemium version


SurveyMonkey is one of the survey tools on the market, and it’s used by millions of websites and businesses worldwide. The software provides many features for creating surveys.

It’s a complete solution that provides many useful features such as

  • automated reporting,
  • permission controls for easy data sharing, and
  • an entire set of customization tools that allow you to tune your survey to your brand’s identity.

SurveyMonkey gained massive popularity, as it allows simple integrations with over 100 apps and plugins. You can use it to streamline data gathering and organize it according to your needs.

It can be set up in few minutes to send a survey. It allows you to choose between 15 different types of customer feedback questions, including multiple-choice, open comments, and Likert scales.

The free version provides access to 10 different questions, 100 respondents, and 13 question types. To get full access to the tool, you will have to get a paid subscription that costs $25/mo.


Userbrain is a customer feedback software that focuses more on website usability testing than the products you offer.

It was designed to provide you with continuous testing and monitoring of your website’s performance, allowing you to draw insights based on which you can upgrade your user experience. It allows you to make sure that your website has all of the features your customers want to see.

So, in a sense, it’s not a customer feedback software like most others on our list. It rather aims to improve your website’s overall customer experience.

It can help you build the best possible platform, which will undoubtedly boost sales and customer satisfaction. Userbrain has its own network of testers paid to test out every part of your website and leave comments on the features that need improvements.

It’s a free-to-join-testing platform that can help you optimize your websites for all devices. The software allows you to watch videos of real people as they test your website’s features. You will get to hear and see their reactions, giving you a better idea of what needs changing.

The testers will help you find bugs and pain points, even before the website goes live. That way, you can make sure that your website is in perfect working order before you reach out to your customers.

Userbrain is available in two different paid plans. You can either get the pay as you go subscription, which costs $29 per participant, or the more affordable $19 Subscribe & Save plan.


If you’re looking for a super-easy survey software to set up, Typeform is an excellent choice. It’s a user-friendly solution that allows you to use predesigned forms to build custom surveys quickly.

The creators of the software seemed to understand that most of the traditional forms are too boring for most people. No-one likes long surveys with dozens of questions that take 15-20 minutes to complete.

That’s why they chose to take a different approach to finding out what customers think. Typeform allow you to set up short but very precise forms that are fun and take only a minute or two to complete.

Hundreds of thousands of businesses swear that it’s the best customer feedback tool, as it helped them get valuable information from customers consistently. The reason for that is the design of the surveys.

You can fully customize the survey by choosing your theme, template, and the questions you want to ask. You can also include possible answers for every question to make the survey even easier to complete.

The software also allows you to embed videos, images and use the one question at a time format to get the best results. It’s available for $35 per month, and the Premium plan will set you back for $70 per month.


HotJar brings a unique mix of UX tools to the table, but its main focus is on user testing. The software provides useful information that helps you get a better idea of what your customers want by looking at their website behavior. You can track each user and record their sessions. Each recording provides valuable information in the form of heatmaps, detailed conversion breakdowns, and other details.

One of the best features of this software is the ability to use on-site satisfaction ratings that allow customers to express their thoughts on multiple website features. You can also use it to create custom surveys and generate feedback polls. With other useful features such as automatic triggers, you can set it up yourself and see details on how much time each user spends on your website. Through this, you will be able to understand better what content attracts your users the most.

Hotjar is a very simple tool that allows you to gather vital information needed to improve your website and overall user experience. With embedded analytics tools, you will be able to scan each section of your landing page and decide what needs changing. The software is available in two different paid plans. The Business plan will set your back for 99 euros a month, while the Advanced plan costs 199 euros per month.


Reevoo is known as an advanced customer feedback tool that offers a few features that might make a huge difference in the way you operate your website in the future. It allows you to get customer feedback on your website and the products in your offer.

Once you start using it, the software automatically runs directly on your website’s product pages. It will display reviews for each product, allowing your customers to see what other people think about them. Your website’s visitors can use the advanced filter options to read relevant reviews about your products, and if they still have questions, the “Ask an Owner” section allows them to get more information.

In other words, Reevoo takes a unique approach where a customer asks another customer about their experience with a certain product. The software will notify you every time a customer leaves a negative review, or if they have questions they want to ask you. Reevoo’s price is determined by the content it can gather rather than a fixed price. It’s one of the most effective customer feedback tools for building trust with your customers.


CustomerSure does a great job at generating customer feedback, but it’s also a very handy follow-up tool designed to help you build a strong relationship with your customers. It also does an excellent job of automatically gathering feedback and responding to your customer’s questions.

With features such as real-time, actionable feedback, customizable email surveys, and a well-designed dashboard for simple inquiry management, it’s obvious why so many businesses swear that it’s the best customer feedback tool available on the market. Your customers will really have the feeling that you care about what they think because CustomerSure offers a well-designed set of surveys that are easy and fun to complete.

One of the best things about this solution is that it helps you improve in the areas pointed out by your customers. In other words, it’s not just a tool for gathering data and customer feedback, but it also provides you with suggestions within the built-in dashboard. It clearly focuses on retaining customers, and it does an excellent job overall.

CustomerSure is currently available in multiple paid plans. The Starter pack will cost you 199 British pounds a month, while the other, bigger packages cost between 399 and 999 pounds per month. Naturally, the more expensive plans allow you to generate more surveys and include multiple team members.


GetSatisfaction is a community platform designed to help businesses of all sizes engage their customers and find all kinds of useful information about their habits. It also helps reduce customer support costs, allows users to generate more leads, and improves existing offers by asking customers what they think about the products and services you provide.

The idea is to provide your visitors with a better social experience by asking them what they think about your website. You can collect feedback from every individual page. All of the data collected is then analyzed and published to a community forum.

The software allows you to collect all customer inquiries, including questions, issues, suggestions, and complaints.

Once the feedback is published in the forum, your users can go there and share their thoughts in a public discussion, providing you with extremely useful information you couldn’t get otherwise.

The tool is also very effective for building a loyal customer base. It can help you increase sales as customers get the information they need first hand. With gamification options, such as rewards and recognition, your customers will have the motivation they need to provide you with feedback.


InMoment allows you to improve the user experience on your website with unique, highly functional features.

It is an entirely cloud-based solution that offers a set of tools you can use to generate social reviews, advocacy and a VoC platform.

Naturally, InMoment allows you to collect direct feedback from your customers. At the same time, it expands your options with a few handy features. You can use it for direct online reporting, and the real-time alerts will notify you immediately when something important happens. By combining survey data, customer feedback from multiple sources, and employee experience, you’ll be able to find weak spots in your offer and improve it in the best way possible.

The software is highly responsive, offers a 24/7 customer support hotline, and generates extremely detailed reports, ensuring that your future business moves are based on accurate information. The built-in VoC platform generates very accurate data that can turn out to be critical for your future success.

InMoment is available only in a custom price plan, so you will have to contact the vendor and ask for the price.


Known as the best all-around customer feedback tool, UseResponse allows you to cover all of the bases with ease.

It’s also a cloud solution that provides an amazing set of customer service tools as well as social CRM. You organize everything by using the provided help center that allows you to monitor multiple channels simultaneously. Most businesses use it as a self-hosted solution, but it can also work from a cloud.

It’s an extensive tool you can use to fully customize each survey and build your knowledge base based on your feedback. It comes with advanced AI that performs many actions automatically. That includes running a ticket system, a built-in live chat tool with multiple integrations, and a well-rounded feedback software. It’s affordable, it comes with an excellent help desk software, and it supports integration with most popular tools. What more could you need from a customer feedback tool?

If you’re not sure if UseResponse is the best choice for your needs, you can try the software for free. You won’t need more than a few days to see how useful it is. Once you decide to get a full paid subscription, the Basic cloud will set you back for $49 a month, while the Enterprise cloud costs $149, and another $39 for every extra agent.

Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback is a popular customer feedback management tool that helps businesses collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback. The platform offers various feedback collection methods, including online surveys, in-app surveys, kiosks, and offline data collection, allowing businesses to capture feedback from customers across various touchpoints.

The best part about this software is that it helps turn boring surveys into engaging forms that customers would love to answer. You can create smiley surveys, star rating surveys, and 10 points rating scale with a customizable theme that aligns perfectly with your brand. You can measure crucial metrics like CES, CSAT, and NPS and make use of features like CX automation, Auto-responder, and Auto-tagging.

Zonka Feedback also provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to understand customer sentiment, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve their products, services, and customer experience. Additionally, the platform offers integrations with various third-party applications, such as Salesforce, Zapier, and Slack, to streamline feedback management and automate workflows.

It is truly a comprehensive customer feedback software that can help businesses enhance their customer experience by providing valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and expectations, and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Choose the Best Customer Feedback Tool for YOU

There are many different customer feedback tools you can try. It’s very important that you get one as soon as possible. It can help you improve your offers, build strong relationships with customers, and make sure that they get the best user experience every time.

Customer feedback tools are extremely powerful and useful. They often help you in creating a good customer feedback form with ready-made templates.

Most successful businesses use these customer feedback and reporting tools to extract the information they later use to improve marketing strategies, provide better offers, and increase customer satisfaction.

Today’s markets are very competitive, so you must use everything you can to get an edge over your competition.

If customer satisfaction tools weren’t really your cup of tea after all, consider checking out the 5 best NPS software to try! Or maybe video testimonial apps or review software are better suited for you.

Trustmary team
Trustmary team


Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.