What is NPS Software and How to Maximize its Benefits 

Trustmary teamTrustmary team
Last edited: June 14th, 2024

Create customer surveys that measure NPS, collect open feedback and turn those into testimonials.

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Introduction to NPS Software

Measuring customer loyalty can be done with one simple question:

How likely are you to recommend a business, product or service to friends and family?

This simple survey is known as the Net Promoter Score (NPS) system. 

It’s used by companies all over the world to gauge loyalty, spot opportunities for organic growth, increase retention and prevent customer churn. 

The survey methodology may be simple in theory, however conducting the market research, analyzing customer data and making customer feedback actionable can be trickier in practice. 

This is where Net Promoter Score software comes in. 

There are many NPS solutions out there to help you get a handle on your customer satisfaction. 

From building and sending online surveys, to analyzing NPS scores and generating actionable insights, NPS software simplifies the way in which you measure your customer journey

But, how do you find the best solution for your business?

This article will cover everything that you need to know about NPS software:

  • Recap on Net Promoter Scores (NPS), 
  • Look at what NPS software actually is,
  • Identify the 7 key features to look for when looking for NPS survey tools,
  • Run through the 8 best NPS tools on the market right now,
  • Explore the 11 questions you should ask when choosing NPS software,
  • Explain how to maximize the benefits of your chosen NPS tool.

Recap on Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter System is a benchmark that provides insights into key areas of customer loyalty such as satisfaction, retention, engagement, and growth potential.

An NPS survey asks customers to rank how likely they are to recommend the business, product or service to friends and family on an 11 point scale. 

The NPS survey rating question is often followed up with a qualitative question that asks respondents to explain why they’ve given that score. 

Survey responses can be sorted into three categories: Promoters, Passives, Detractors.

nps survey creator

The overall NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, and reported with a number between -100 and +100.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is analyzed as follows:

  • A good NPS score, generally speaking, is anything between 0 and 30. 
  • A score between 30 and 60, indicates that your clients love you. 
  • A score under 0 shows that you have more unhappy customers than satisfied ones, and that improvement is needed. 

Read our definitive guide to Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Different Types of NPS

The simplicity of Net Promoter Score (NPS) means that it can be used as a key measure of customer experience in different ways. 

  • Relational Net Promoter Score measures how customer sentiment changes over time.
  • Transactional Net Promoter Score measures customer feedback after specific interactions with your brand.

What is NPS Software?

NPS softwares are survey tools that can be used to capture and analyze NPS responses on digital channels.  

While NPS surveys can be sent out relatively cheaply and easily, NPS software provides a more streamlined and sophisticated way to measure customer satisfaction

A good NPS survey tool makes collecting, analyzing and actioning customer feedback hassle-free. 

With the right software in place, you can: 

  • Easily create NPS surveys
  • Send NPS surveys across multiple channels,
  • Measure both relational and transactional NPS,
  • Target different audiences,
  • Conduct multiple surveys at the same time,
  • Analyze and report the results.

Learn more about how to present NPS results to relevant stakeholders.

7 Key Features to Look For When Choosing NPS Survey Tool

1. Customization 

Whether it’s a white-label survey, or personalized questions, software that allows you to customize your survey gives you more control over what your customers receive and are likely to get better response rates than those that don’t.

2. Varied Distribution Channels

Using different survey channels can help you gather feedback from different stages of the customer journey. 

Many customer feedback software options offer multiple channels to distribute your NPS survey and collect customer feedback. 

3. Qualitative Responses

The open-ended NPS question is an important, and sometimes overlooked, element of the NPS system. 

It provides actionable feedback and is as simple as providing an optional feedback box as part of the survey and text analysis for insights. 

Our customer Eezy Personnel grew its NPS from 46 to 70 by focusing heavily on open feedback gathered.

And using that as input for making the customer experience better.

4. Multiple Surveys and Audiences

Depending on how you run your NPS campaign, you may need to have more than one survey running simultaneously. 

An NPS survey software that allows you to run multiple NPS campaigns at the same time means that you can pursue different customer segments or run A/B tests.

send NPS surveys based on need and customer groups

5. Deliverability

While you may be able to send more than one survey at a time, it’s worth checking if your NPS software provider puts a cap on survey recipients. 

And while you’re at it, also make sure that you can automate the scheduling of surveys to simplify the sending process. 

6. In-Depth Reporting

Once you’ve collected your NPS data, it’s time to deep-dive into your survey responses. 

The best NPS survey tools will have analytics that allow you to analyze customer feedback, spot trends over time and report your findings. 

survey report overview

7. Integrations

NPS ratings are best used with other metrics to paint a comprehensive picture of customer satisfaction. 

NPS software that can be easily integrated with other tools can help you connect the dots between your survey results and other areas of the business. 

8 of the Best NPS Software Tools 2024

There are many different types of NPS survey tools on the market. 

Here’s our breakdown of some of the best NPS survey tools for capturing customer feedback and measuring customer experience. 

1. Trustmary

Trustmary’s Net Promoter Score Software is one of the best available and here’s why.

With Trustmary’s drag and drop survey-maker, you can create beautifully designed NPS surveys on the spot.

Trustmary also offers fully customizable forms that can be adapted to your campaign objectives and in line with your brand colors. 

Multiple Distribution Channels

NPS surveys can be distributed across a wide variety of digital channels – everything from email-embedded surveys and SMS or WhatsApp surveys to web pop-ups. 

What’s more, NPS surveys can even be embedded in a website or landing page, or accessed via a QR code, making collecting customer feedback both online and offline even easier.

different channels of sharing surveys

You can automate how you send surveys, allowing you to manage several campaigns at once.

Reporting Helps Improve Business

Trustmary’s reporting features allow you to create customized reports and shareable dashboards that monitor the progress of more than one campaign or segment in real-time. 

The platform integrates seamlessly with CRMs, marketing automation systems, and content management systems, allowing you to join the dots between your NPS and other areas of your business.

Turn Promoters into Advocates

All plans allow you to easily turn positive survey responses from Promoters into written and video testimonials for killer social proof.

By using Trustmary, you can do all this with one survey:

  • Measure NPS
  • Get open feedback
  • Ask for testimonials

Once someone has given a testimonial, you can use Trustmary’s display function to add social proof to website.

Sign up for a free trial of Trustmary’s platform👇

2. Hotjar


Hotjar started out as a behavioral analytics tool and has branched out into customer feedback. 

Hotjar’s NPS software allows you to easily set up responsive NPS surveys, while also providing template questions. 

The platform gives you instant feedback from multiple channels such as web, email and SMS.
Advanced analytics features provide heatmaps, conversion funnels, and behavior recordings to give further insights into how your customers interact with your business online. 

Hotjar’s platform offers integrations with some of the more well-known business tools, such as Slack, Hubspot and Zapier, however it’s integration list is by no means as extensive as some of its competitors. 

Pricing starts with a free subscription which allows you to create three surveys and feedback widgets in the Hotjar brand.

3. Delighted


Delighted, part of Qualtrics XM, is a self-serve experience management platform and has one of the most widely used NPS survey tools on the market. 

NPS surveys are easy to set up with its survey builder, and easy to align to your brand with custom colors and logos. 

With Delighted, you can send surveys via multiple channels, while automating surveys based on time intervals or trigger events. It also provides support in multiple languages – a great feature for international businesses.

Delighted’s analytics provide real-time NPS feedback, as well as reports that can be segmented so that you can see NPS trends over time. 

Once reported on, feedback data can be used to create actionable insights across multiple teams, close the loop and even engage Promoters on a basic level, via it’s integrations.

Delighted’s free tier only allows one project, so to run multiple campaigns you’d need to upgrade to the Premium or Premium Plus subscriptions. 

4. Promoter.io


Promoter.io focuses on using NPS feedback to help ecommerce businesses drive revenue. The platform has three main features to help capture, analyze and grow. 

Promoter.io prides itself on collecting customer feedback at any point during the purchase process.

The platform integrates with leading ecommerce platforms like Shopify, and offers multi-channel distribution. 

You can choose between instant or recurring surveys – perfect for transactional NPS surveys. 

Once you’ve received customer feedback, Promoter.io’s dashboard allows you to segment the data, track engagement and analyze text responses for better insights. 

These insights can then be used to inform decision-making, drive organic growth and increase retention. 

Promoter.io’s pricing starts with a free subscription tier, limited to 250 surveys/month. 

5. HubSpot


Despite customer feedback not being a part of HubSpot’s core business, the inbound marketing and sales software company deserves a mention. 

With a diverse range of questions and a customizable template, you can build a NPS survey tailored to your business’s needs. 

Surveys are sent via web link or email, and customer data is organized, visualized and analyzed using feedback dashboards. 

What you’re able to do with the insights is where HubSpot really comes into its own. 

Insights can be shared with teams and individual feedback can be updated on the HubSpot CRM system. 

HubSpot’s customer service system allows you to communicate with your customers more efficiently, while managing and measuring the ongoing success of your customer service function.  

HubSpot’s NPS solution doesn’t come cheap, however. It’s included as part of the Service Hub Professional package which starts at $360/month. 

6. Retently


Retently is designed specifically for those who want a platform that specializes in NPS. 

The platform revolves around building highly customizable survey campaigns. 

Retently can be used to send both relational and transactional NPS surveys, simultaneously. Multiple campaigns can be automated and routed to ensure a personalized survey experience for respondents.

The advanced template editor allows you to change everything from color, question texts and even font size. 

NPS survey audiences can be segmented for further personalized experiences, or for A/B testing, and are distributed via email, web pop-ups and messengers. 

Customer experience feedback is analyzed and reported on dashboards which make it easy to spot trends and predict future customer behavior. 

With Retently, you can also integrate across your existing suite of sales, marketing and business tools.

Retently has a free subscription plan, and is currently offering a free trial for its Professional Plan. 

7. ProProfs


ProProfs’ Survey Maker tool has a specific NPS Survey Solution designed specifically to run NPS surveys. 

The easy survey templates can be adapted to include a follow up question, and can be customized with your logo and brand colors. 

Much like other platforms, you can send surveys via a links in emails, pop-ups or embed in a website or in-app. Distribution can also be automated. 

The reporting dashboard provides regular reports as well as individual data on respondents. 

Insights can be shared with other products in the ProProfs suite, such as ProProfs Help Desk, or with third party apps. 

ProProfs’ free plan is limited to 10 responses and so it’s worth upgrading to the Essentials or Premium plans which give you more functionality. 

Plan costs are calculated per response, so make sure that any plans you take into account existing and projected response rates to avoid paying overages. 

8. Survicate


Survicate prides itself on customer feedback surveys for online businesses. 

With the Survicate platform, you can create NPS surveys fast using its survey creator. Your NPS survey can be designed with custom color and CSS to fit your brand. 

You can measure NPS through email, on-page, in-app, and even in Intercom messenger. 

Survicate tracks your NPS rating in real-time and provides insights by dates, scores, or by custom filters, as well as by survey channel. 

Actionable feedback can then be shared with other marketing and business tools through its variety of native integrations. 

Pricing for Survicate starts with a free subscription which allows 25 responses per month. Upgrade options are available and are priced according to the number of responses expected.

11 Questions to Ask When Choosing an NPS Software Tool

With all the options on offer, choosing the right NPS survey tool for your business may seem like a task in itself.

Ask yourself these 11 questions to help you find the right NPS tool for the job:

  1. Can the NPS tool manage the size of my customer base?
  2. Am I limited to the number of surveys that can be sent each month?
  3. Does the platform offer the distribution channels to best reach my customers?
  4. Does it offer templates to help me build customized surveys?
  5. Can I align the survey look and feel with my brand?
  6. Can I capture positive feedback from my existing customers for social proof?
  7. Does it have a suitable upgrade path that aligns with my business growth?
  8. Does it help me analyze feedback?
  9. Is the reporting dashboard easy to use and understand?
  10. Can I segment the results?
  11. Can it easily integrate third-party applications, and if so, which ones? 

How to Maximize the Benefits of Your NPS Tool

So you’ve done the research and have selected your ideal NPS tool. 

How can you make sure you’re getting the most out of your chosen software?

Unite Your Business Under a Common Goal

NPS is quite literally the voice of the customer. 

A NPS score can pinpoint where customer satisfaction is at the highest during the sales process, whether your latest product roll out has had an impact on customer behavior, or even if changes to your logistics network is working in the way you need it to. 

Sharing your NPS scores across your business helps every team focus on their part in improving the entire customer journey.

Reporting functionality in survey tools makes sharing this information easier. 

Make Use of the Integrations

Many NPS survey software will integrate with other business tools such as CRM systems, messaging applications, or email marketing software. 

Utilizing platform integrations allows you to quickly and seamlessly integrate your NPS software, and its insights, within your business. 

Find the Right Channels for Your Customers

Did you know that different survey channels and collection methodologies can have a big impact on your overall NPS?

Variation in survey distribution channels can give you the flexibility to experiment with the best way to reach your customer

Most survey software will also allow you to monitor response rates by channel so that you can start building up a good picture of which survey channel works best for your customer base. 

Act Faster on Your Results

The problem with any kind of market research is that the results become dated, fast.

Picture this.

After several weeks of manual analysis of your NPS feedback, you realize that your Detractors have raised a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Unfortunately the delay in spotting and addressing the issue has resulted in high customer churn. 

Real-time analysis of feedback data allows you to spot trends immediately, and action this feedback much faster.


Close the Loop With Your Customers

The speed in which you can act isn’t the only way to maximize customer feedback. 

Reach out to your customer, let them know they’ve been heard, and improve customer loyalty. Yes, even with your Detractors. 

Inviting your Detractors to participate in a more detailed feedback session in person, or giving them a sneak peek of upcoming features can make them feel valued, and can even help turn them into Promoters. 

Don’t forget your Promoters too. As satisfied customers, their feedback can be used as valuable reviews or testimonials. Sharing social proof is a great way to build trust in your products and services. 

close the loop with your customers

Sign up for a free trial with Trustmary to see how you can easily turn positive feedback into social proof. 

Choose the Right NPS Tool

While the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology is simple in theory, running effective NPS campaigns that provide actionable feedback for your business can get really complicated, really fast. 

NPS software can help take the sting out of managing your NPS program, with so many to choose from it can be hard to know where to start.

There are, however, a number of key features to look out for such as customizations, the ability to send multiple campaigns, and integrate with other business tools. 

We’ve summarized the best NPS software tools available today, most of which offer these key features and more. 

Some of our favorites are Trustmary’s standout ability to turn positive responses into social proof, Delighted’s multi-language offering, and Retently’s steadfast focus on NPS and customer experience. 

But before you jump in, remember to ask yourself some key questions about the suitability of the softwares we covered (and indeed any others) for your business. 

The benefits of measuring customer satisfaction with NPS are many, and so choosing the right NPS survey software can help unlock your business’s growth potential. 


What is NPS software?

NPS software is a digital survey tool used to calculate your satisfied customers to measure customer loyalty.

NPS tools can:

  • Create and send NPS surveys, 
  • Collect NPS feedback, 
  • Calculate NPS scores,
  • Analyze survey responses,
  • Report the findings.

Why do I need a NPS software tool?

While NPS surveys are easy in theory, managing multiple NPS campaigns, analyzing the NPS scores, following up with the customer, and actioning the feedback can get quite complicated very quickly.

NPS software makes the whole process of running your NPS programme hassle-free. 

Do I need experience to use NPS software?

No experience necessary! 

Most NPS survey tools come with easy to use survey builders and campaign templates that can help guide even a novice to deliver a quality NPS campaign. 

How much do I need to spend on NPS survey software?

Getting started with an NPS survey tool doesn’t have to break the bank. 

Many NPS survey tools offer free trials or free subscription tiers, although these may be somewhat limited. 

Starting out with a free option is a good way to gauge what you need from a survey tool before you upgrade to a more sophisticated package. 

What are the key features I should be looking for in a NPS tool?

There are 7 key features to look for when researching NPS software tools:

  1. Customization 
  2. Varied distribution channels
  3. Qualitative responses
  4. Multiple surveys and audiences
  5. Deliverability
  6. In-depth reporting
  7. Integrations

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Trustmary team


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