Customer Surveys Are Dead – Try Trustmary Method

Erica YlimäkiErica Ylimäki
Last edited: June 26th, 2024

We'll tell you all about how to set up this process for your business.

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The traditional way to collect customer feedback is dead.

Thanks to the rise of online surveys, companies are faced with 2% response rates.

We’ve helped hundreds of companies collect feedback, testimonials, and reviews with one single user-friendly survey using Trustmary Method.

Trustmary Method gets you:

And you can do that too 👀

Traditional Way of Collecting Customer Feedback

Let’s have a look at how companies typically collect feedback – and how they could be doing it.

Traditional Feedback ProcessTrustmary Method
Once a yearBased on triggers
Only feedbackChoose between NPS, CSAT, and star rating
+ open feedback
+ testimonials
+3rd party reviews
Manual workAutomated & well-thought out processes
QR code
Website embed
Popup on website
Email signature
No remindersAs many reminders as you wish
Anonymous respondentsVerification with email sending
Low response rate, < 2%Response rates 20-50%
Response biasAll customers are included
One person has access to customer feedbackEnhanced transparency with Slack/Teams integrations
Customer feedback remains internalTestimonials from customers (40% review rate)
Feedback isn’t usedSocial proof can be added to website

Typical Problems with Traditional Customer Feedback Tool:

  1. Customer surveys are sent once a year – manually
  2. Customer feedback forms are too long
  3. No feedback process
  4. No one’s responsible for collecting feedback
  5. Timing of sending surveys isn’t optimal
  6. Gate-keeping results: Only a few people have access to feedback

Those are the most typical issues related to using traditional customer feedback tools.

Solution: Trustmary Method Provides Value

No matter what types of customers you serve, Trustmary’s standard 3-in-1 survey will help you get:

  • Double-digit response rates
  • 20-50% review rate on average
  • Plenty of open feedback to improve business on

Book your free meeting to hear more:

Complimentary Ways to Collect Customer Feedback

In addition to the typical email surveys, there are other ways to gather feedback.

1. Interviews and Focus Groups

  • B2B: One-on-one interviews or focus groups with clients can yield deep insights, particularly about how a product fits into the client’s workflow or what could be improved.
  • B2C: These are used to gauge consumer opinions and feelings about a product or brand, often providing more nuanced insights than surveys.

This method is highly time-consuming and expensive.

2. Feedback Boxes

Both B2B and B2C: Feedback boxes on websites or in apps offer a convenient way for customers to provide immediate feedback while interacting with your brand.

Embedding surveys to your website or app can help determine any usability issues, but they’re not ideal for getting detailed reviews for the whole product.

3. Social Media and Online Reviews

  • B2C: Monitoring social media platforms and online reviews is crucial for B2C companies, as consumers frequently share their experiences and opinions in these forums.
  • B2B: While not as prevalent, B2B companies are increasingly using review platforms like G2 and Capterra to gather feedback and monitor brand perception.

There are many review sites to monitor, and there are specific ones for contractors, as well as SaaS companies.

Instead of just monitoring, it’s a good idea to start collecting reviews proactively.

4. Usability Tests

  • Both B2B and B2C: Inviting customers to test products or services before a full rollout can provide critical feedback on user experience and functionality.

5. Customer Advisory Boards

  • B2B: Comprising key clients, these boards can provide strategic insights and foster stronger relationships.
  • B2C: Rare in B2C, but can be implemented in a modified form, such as loyalty clubs or VIP customer groups.

This is a very costly thing to set up and manage.

Survey costs don’t need to get out of hand.

Are the few selected customers really representing your whole clientele?

Turn Feedback into Reviews

Customer feedback is great, but why don’t you turn them into customer reviews?

Trustmary’s built-in features enable you to do just that.

  1. Keep it Short and Simple: Especially in B2C, customers are more likely to complete surveys that are quick and to the point. Try adding a customer survey to email signature to capture great spontaneous feedback.
  2. Use the Right Tools: Employ tools that fit your business size and customer base. B2B businesses might benefit from more sophisticated survey tools, while B2C businesses could use more interactive and visually appealing platforms.
  3. Act on the Feedback: Ensure that the feedback collected leads to meaningful changes. Customers feel valued when they see their suggestions being implemented, which can foster loyalty and trust.
  4. Offer Incentives: Providing small incentives can significantly increase response rates without compromising the quality of the feedback. This works wonders in B2C. Try discount coupons or free of charge delivery!

Remember, the goal of collecting feedback isn’t just to gather data—it’s to create a better experience for your customers.

And after identifying your happy customers – turning them into advocates to boost sales!

Characteristics of Great B2B Customer Reviews

  1. Full name presented
  2. Profile picture preferrable
  3. Title and/or company highlighted
  4. Location of the company (if the audience is international)
  5. Size or industry of company can be present
  6. Star rating or overall score
  7. Open feedback that mentions specifics
  8. Date of review to emphasize recency

Here’s an example from Seidat.

example of b2b business review on website

Who Should Review You?

With B2B reviews, it’s crucial to consider

  • Who makes the purchasing decision and
  • Who uses the product or service in question

Those can be the same person, but often they aren’t.

💡 Pro tip: Make sure you get feedback from end-users of the product or service.

Don’t forget to get feedback from decision-makers on the value of the product or service.

Seidat uses Trustmary to ensure they get both end-user feedback as well as decision-maker recommendations.

What Makes a Great B2C Customer Review?

Depending on your business, these vary a little. The key is to add information that is relatable to the potential customers.

  1. Name or nickname
  2. Date of review
  3. Location
  4. Star rating or overall rating
  5. Open feedback that describes the problem and/or solution in detail
  6. Possible photo of the reviewer

Did you know that typos don’t matter in the reviews?

In fact, they might make the review seem more credible.

💡 Pro tip: Stop editing the typos out of customer reviews.

It might make the review seem more credible!

Know What Your Customers Think, Feel & Want

Ensure your business is thriving now and also in the future: Start measuring customer satisfaction.

Future-proof your website and social media with engaging content: Collect testimonials and reviews and add them to the website.

Get more sales, inbound leads, and conversions: Use reviews near any call to actions.

Trustmary has worked with hundreds of companies around the world.

Book your free meeting to learn how to start using Trustmary Method in your business:

Erica Ylimäki
Erica Ylimäki
Erica Ylimäki is a Growth Marketer at Trustmary. She is an expert in how to grow the organic traffic of a business with effective SEO strategies, and how to utilize reviews on different CMS and platforms.


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