Taito Research: Feedback Helps Improve Business

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Last edited: May 31st, 2024

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taito research uses trustmary to improve customer understanding

Both the customer experience and the candidate experience contribute in a huge way to the overall success of recruiting companies. Taito Research Oy is a significant player in the field of recruitment. It produces professional and high-quality headhunting and recruiting services widely for different industries. By collecting customer feedback it can ensure the quality of its services and communicate it externally in a believable way.

Taito Research is a recruiting company that headhunts and recruits for its clients starting from expert-level jobs all the way to the C-level executives. In addition, it offers employee performance review services.

The company also offers training services that are designed to help its customers to do headhunting themselves. It has also created a unique employer brand mapping service which enables any company to get insights into how they are perceived as employers.

Hanna-Mari Hannula is a Senior Consultant at Taito Research and is also responsible for marketing and social media. She tells how they have automated their feedback and review collection processes with Trustmary and how it can be used to develop the company and boost sales and marketing. 

Hanne-Mari Hannula is a senior consultant and responsible for Taito Research's marketing and social media

Every Candidate and Client Gets Heard

One of Taito Research’s competitive advantages is that it can prove to its potential clients that in addition to having high customer satisfaction, its candidate satisfaction is also at a high level. This advantage has been made possible by an automated feedback survey that is sent to each candidate after they have been interviewed.

Taito Research has a reference page that is designed to highlight both the feedback from the candidates and the customers.

feedback from the candidate are important in recruiting
The headline translates to “Feedback from our recruitment process”

Below the review widget that highlights candidate experience, there is also a separate review widget for client feedback.

customer feedback and customer satisfaction are important factors in creating
The headline translates to “What our customers say about us”

The feedback survey related to the recruitment process focuses on asking the candidates’ opinions on the whole process and how Taito Research has handled it. Sending the survey has been integrated directly into the recruitment system. 

We no longer need to do manual work to get customer or candidate feedback. We operate our recruiting system as before, and the surveys have been automated to be triggered by a certain action. Reminders to those who haven’t replied are also being sent automatically, Hannula describes.

The company highly values customer satisfaction. They get an automated feedback survey when the recruitment process is marked as completed in the recruitment system.

– We get very good feedback from both the customers and the candidates. In addition, we get an NPS value from both groups separately. It really works on its own: we no longer need to put any effort into collecting feedback. Instead, we can focus on analyzing the results, Hannula says.

NPS is a great metric for measuring customer satisfaction and experience
NPS is used to track the progress of the overall customer and candidate satisfaction.

Visual Elements and Interactive Content on Website 

Hannula is especially excited that they now have an easy way to integrate an interactive element into their website. Trustmary’s services include a customizable chatbot. The chatbot has been placed at a central location on the site, right after the hero element of the front page.

– Our customers have an easy way of getting in touch with us and asking for a quote with the chatbot. A contact form is not the same thing, as this is very light and effortless for the user, Hannula describes.

chatbot on the front page collect leads effectively
“Are you interested in our services? Get in touch with us!” Ask for a quote, Ask for more information, Leave a contact request

– If we didn’t have a chatbot, I’d be very worried about getting leads from our website. We get leads much easier with a chatbot than with a traditional contact us-form, she continues.  

In addition to being happy with the chatbot, Hannula has been very satisfied with how easily and visually Taito Research gets its reviews on the website.

– The customer feedback and reviews are excellent content for our website because it’s really hard to toot your own horn in a believable way. The widgets that we use to display reviews on the website are fresh and visual. They catch the attention of our target audience and help build their trust in us, Hannula says.

Taito Research uses the feedback and reviews as their social media content as well. Hannula has created a branded template in Trustmary that she can use to create a social media post that highlights one great review at a time. She downloads it to her laptop and uploads it to Buffer to schedule the post.

– Customer feedback is the perfect content to show for anyone considering using our services. Trustmary is an easy way to turn new reviews into social media posts that fit our brand and are in line with one another, Hannula underlines.

Feedback Facilitates Development

High-quality service and ensuring it is a core value for Taito Research. That is why the company regularly analyzes customer feedback. 

– We go over the customer feedback internally with the whole company and also separately with the owners of the company. It’s very nice to read through the reviews and feedback together and to learn what the candidates and our customers actually think about us, Hannula says. 

All feedback is useful, as it helps to realize where Taito Research has done well and what could be improved on. When the feedback is asked right after the recruitment process is over, they can react to each situation promptly.

Taito Reseach uses customer and candidate feedback to improve business

– We emphasize keeping the candidates in the loop during the whole process. After one recruitment process one of the candidates was unhappy. We called them right away and went over the situation together. It was crucial that we got the information right after the process and we were able to react and apologize. It turned out to be a glitch in our communication, but the candidate was very pleased that we called and cleared it all out. We learned a lesson there as well, Hannula reminisces. 

If Taito Research had not collected candidate feedback, the candidate would have been left with a bad impression and the situation would not have been rectified. 

– We value the candidate experience also because each candidate can be a client for us in the future, Hannula says. 

Reviews Support Sales

Reviews and customer feedback function as a concrete avenue for building trust in sales. 

– Our references are a great tool for our sales team. They show in a concrete way what everyone thinks about us and working with us. It’s much more convincing to see what our customers think about us rather than to read something we wrote ourselves, Hannula says.  

To succeed in sales, it is important to build trust and to showcase the competitive advantage clearly. Taito Research focuses on the quality of their services and being human-centric, which shines through also in the customer feedback.

– The feedback we get paints a picture to both new and potential customers of the quality of work we do. We produce professional and high-quality services and these factors are also being highlighted in the public customer feedback, Hannula explains. 

Hannula has great experiences about using Trustmary

Hannula has been very satisfied with Trustmary’s ease of use and its clear and visual layout. It is easy to start implementing it in existing systems and start using it. Hannula is especially happy about the active communication from Trustmary’s side and their genuine will to help their customers get the most out of the product.

– I feel we’ve got our money’s worth. Trustmary has given me hands-on help with all my issues. By using Trustmary, we can collect vital feedback and reviews and use them endlessly for boosting marketing and sales, Hannula summarizes. 

Trustmary Features in Use

Key Benefits of Using Trustmary

  • Automated process for getting candidate feedback & customer feedback
  • Visual and interactive content on website
  • More customer feedback
  • More customer reviews
  • Easy way to share reviews on social media
  • Possibility to improve business based on feedback
  • Better understanding of customers
  • Enhanced internal understanding of CX

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