Reviews matter to your business and to the customers

How to Get the Best Results with Trustmary

Still not sure how Trustmary could make a difference for your business?

Read further about how Matt the Marketer uses Trustmary and what he is able to accomplish, and discover how Trustmary affects the customer journey of an average consumer.

Maximize your website’s potential with social proof

Matt the Marketer has a challenge to overcome. How to make the company website actually convert paying customers?

Matt knows that the secret lies in these three factors:

  • Visualization
  • Copy
  • Social proof

Two of the aspects are relatively easy to solve. Matt hires talented professionals who provide him with a beautiful website and powerful copy.

But how about social proof? Who could he hire to take care of that?

Getting social proof requires constant effort. One has to stay in touch with the clients, find out who is willing to recommend the company, and then collect their comments. It’s a cross-functional task that involves customer service, marketing, and possibly other teams as well. It takes time from the tasks everyone would rather be doing.

Matt comes across Trustmary – the easiest solution for collecting customer feedback, reviews, and video testimonials.

add reviews to your website with stylish review widgets

Build trust and capture leads

Matt makes his first breakthrough in just one minute when he embeds existing reviews on the company’s website.

  • He adds reviews from Google, Facebook, Yelp, and numerous other sources to his website in just a few clicks.
  • He uses stylish review widgets, pop-ups, chatbots, and CTAs to capture prospective customers.
  • Matt lets Trustmary’s AI identify the best reviews and prioritize those in widgets.
  • Additionally, he shares reviews on social media easily and regularly.
collect more reviews with easy review collection campaigns

Get fresh reviews continuously

Matt wants to get more and better reviews to enhance the social proof effect. With Trustmary, he collects reviews that truly matter.

  • He uses Trustmary’s branded and smooth review forms to collect reviews.
  • He requests reviews for Google and other review websites, but also directly in Trustmary.
  • He creates automations that help him request reviews at the right time from the right customer.
  • He easily manages and stores all reviews on one simple platform, getting notified of each new review.
NPS survey

Perfect your business with feedback

Matt discovers that they can also measure customer satisfaction and get customer feedback with Trustmary. The whole company is transformed into a more customer-centric organization.

  • Matt collects feedback and customer reviews simultaneously in an automized process.
  • He’s able to measure NPS, CSAT, and other customer satisfaction metrics.
  • He analyzes feedback with visual reports that give an overview of the results in one glance.
  • He shares the reports with his colleagues and the board with simple URL links.
  • Matt integrates Trustmary with the company’s CRM so that other teams can view the customer satisfaction data and take action.
  • The whole company is able to improve their processes.
the best way to showcase customer reviews

More than a review tool

Matt has reached his goal of optimizing the website’s sales potential. But that’s not all.

Because the company decides to implement Trustmary’s full-suite product, they reach even more benefits:

  • They get significantly more contact requests and increase the website’s ROI.
  • They learn more about the customer experience and are able to improve it.
  • They are better at predicting customer churn and can react to it faster.
  • They better the company’s online reputation through fresh reviews.
  • The website gets more visibility in search engines and attracts more traffic.
hanna's review

Company-wide benefits and workflows

In the end, Matt the Marketer is not the only person who experiences benefits from Trustmary.

Trustmary can be implemented in numerous business functions across the organization.

  • Founders can improve the business with customer insights.
  • Customer success teams know which customers are happy and which are about to churn.
  • Customer service gets timely feedback from clients.
  • HR can collect employees’ feedback and testimonials.
  • Recruitment can promote employee testimonials and measure candidate experience.
  • Each function or even each person can get personal feedback from customers.
  • Management can evaluate the performance of each department separately.

Become the hero of your organization and implement Trustmary today!

Get Trustmary

Essential Part of Customer Journey

Customer reviews and feedback play a significant role in any customer journey.

Meet Mary who wants to remodel her apartment and is looking for a trustworthy contractor to do the job.

Let’s see what Mary does and thinks along her customer journey and how reviews contribute to her experience.

searching on google

Discovering solutions

Mary wants to remodel her apartment and is looking for a trustworthy contractor to do the job.

First, she asks her friends if they can recommend anyone. None of her friends have experience in a similar service, so they are not able to help her.

Mary turns to the internet. She starts by searching for relevant companies in her area on Google.

Google gives her five alternatives in her city.


Businesses with many online reviews and good ratings are more likely to rank high on search engines and attract customers.

Mary reading reviews

Researching Options

Mary notices that only two of the companies have a good rating on Google Maps with a reasonable number of reviews. She dismisses the other options and begins more in-depth research on these two.

Mary also examines the companies’ websites, but she trusts the customer insights more.

The company with more trustworthy reviews starts to become Mary’s favorite.


A good rating is not everything that matters. Reviews that are longer and provide more relevant information are more effective and trustworthy than short reviews.

reviews help purchase decision

Making the Decision

Mary has almost made up her mind, so she books a consultation with a sales representative.

She gets more information about the price and the services, which seem to match what she read from the reviews.

When the company is able to present even more customer references and positive experiences from past customers, Mary is sold.


Utilize reviews proactively in all channels. Don’t just count on third-party review sites: share reviews on your website, social media, and sales presentations.

giving feedback

Experience Begins

The project starts, and Mary comes across processes and situations when she is not 100% satisfied.

Luckily, the company asks for feedback regularly, so Mary is able to voice her opinion.

The company receives the feedback well, responds to Mary, and she can see how the changes are implemented along the project.


If a customer communicates dissatisfaction, you still have time to turn the situation around and make them happy. That’s why you should collect feedback regularly.

get reviews

Becoming An Advocate

At the end of the project, Mary is very happy with the outcome. When the company asks for her feedback and recommendation, she is more than happy to write a positive review and recommend the company publicly.

Mary is especially pleased when giving feedback and reviews is easy with one simple survey.

Now she also knows a trustworthy renovation company that she recommends to her friends.


Happy customers are willing to recommend your business if you ask them to. Don’t hesitate to ask for their public testimonials!

Trust is essential for sales and business growth.

But people don’t trust companies.

People trust people.

Start leveraging customer reviews

Thousands of brands from all around the world trust Trustmary

Harness the power of customer reviews

Recommendations from average people to average people are more effective than any advertising campaign.

With Trustmary, you collect, display, and manage customer reviews on autopilot.

easy to use

Display reviews and get more customers

Display reviews

Flywheel that accelerates your growth

When customer reviews are integrated into the customer journey, they create a continuous circle of growth.

  • Strangers hear and read good things about you, and become prospects.
  • Positive reviews demonstrate your value and convince prospects to become customers.
  • You request feedback from customers to improve the experience constantly.
  • Happy customers give you positive reviews and recommend you to others.

Grow your business with reviews

“Trustmary works very well”

“The service is constantly evolving and they listen to customer needs and development suggestions. We have been able to use their API interface to automate the collection of feedback from different stages of the customer journey, from offer to order, from B2B and B2C web shop customers to feedback on large scale renovation and construction projects. We have received far more feedback than we ever expected.”

– Joonas Tammisto, Chief Digital Officer, Laattapiste Oy


Using Trustmary saves you resources all around.

Reduce costs, free your employees’ time, and get more customers on autopilot.

One Tool

Say goodbye to dozens of different software tools. Use Trustmary for collecting and displaying reviews, capturing potential clients on your website, as well as analyzing customer feedback.

Easy to Use

Using Trustmary is easy: no need for coding skills, no need for designers. The ready-made templates provide you with everything you need for a stylish finish.

For Everyone

All departments across your organization benefit from Trustmary: Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, HR, and more functions get valuable data and tools for their daily tasks.

Grow your business with customer reviews – automatically.

Get Trustmary

Trustmary Display

Import your existing reviews and display them on your website.


Essentials to make reviews matter




up to 200 monthly views

Access to:

200 monthly views

1 review platform

One-off review import

All widget types


For smaller teams, more views and platforms




up to 5,000 monthly views

Everything in Solo, and:

5,000 monthly views

Up to 3 review platforms

Automatic daily review import

Unlimited users


The best Display plan for growing companies




up to 25,000 monthly views

Everything in Starter, and:

25,000 monthly views

Up to 10 review platforms

A/B testing

Remove Trustmary branding


For experts, loads of widget views, all the features




up to 100,000 monthly views

Everything in Business, and:

100,000 monthly views

Up to 25 review platforms

Priority support

Full access to all Display features


Trustmary helps you maximize your website’s potential with reviews. The platform automates collecting and displaying customer reviews, making it easy to showcase relevant and fresh social proof on your website. It builds trust and gets you more sales.

In addition, you get valuable customer feedback and are able to improve your business overall. Trustmary is a solution that helps all business functions develop and streamline their operations, saving you resources all around.

People trust people rather than brands. That’s why authentic customer reviews are essential for your sales process. Reviews boost your online visibility and reputation, build trust and credibility, provide relevant information for potential clients, and make customers more secure in making the right purchase decision.

Trustmary is mainly built for Marketers, but it’s equally useful for virtually any business function. Founders can collect customer insights to develop the business, Customer Success can identify happy and unhappy clients, Customer Service can get timely feedback, HR can measure employee satisfaction, and Recruitment can use employee testimonials to attract new candidates. This is just to name a few!

Establish your customer review strategy with the best review tool

Get Trustmary


Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.