NPS Passive: How to Deal with Luke-Warm Clients

Aino ValtonenAino Valtonen
Last edited: August 8th, 2024

Measure NPS and identify Passives to convert them into Promoters.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a powerful metric for understanding customer loyalty and satisfaction. It categorizes respondents into three groups: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

While Promoters are enthusiastic advocates and NPS Detractors are critical of your product or service, Passives often fall into a gray area.

This article explores how to effectively engage with Passive clients and turn their lukewarm sentiment into genuine enthusiasm.

Understanding NPS Passives

Who are NPS Passives?

Passives are those who score your business a 7 or 8 on the NPS survey based on feedback from existing customers.

They are satisfied but not enthusiastic customers. They’re unlikely to spread negative word-of-mouth, but they’re also not promoting your brand.

They’re at risk of being swayed by competitors, making it crucial to engage and nurture them.

nps scale

Why Focus on Passives?

Unlocking Potential Advocates

Passives are on the verge of becoming loyal customers and Promoters.

With the right strategies, you can convert their mild satisfaction into strong advocacy.

Reducing Churn Risk

Passives are vulnerable to switching to competitors.

Engaging them effectively can reduce churn and increase customer loyalty.

Visual representation on a scale: cost of attracting new customers is five times more expensive than retaining existing customers

Strategies to Engage and Turn Passive Customers into Promoters

1. Personalized Communication

Understand Their Needs

Reach out to Passives with personalized communication.

Use their feedback to address specific concerns and demonstrate that you value their opinion.

Follow-Up Surveys

Send follow-up surveys to delve deeper into NPS survey responses and understand what’s holding Passives back from becoming Promoters.

2. Improve Customer Experience and Satisfaction

Enhance Service Quality

Analyze common themes in Passives’ feedback to measure customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Enhancing service quality can significantly impact their satisfaction levels.

Streamline Processes

Make your processes more efficient and user-friendly.

Simplify customer interactions and ensure they have a seamless experience with your product or service.

flywheel representation of a customer journey

3. Offer Incentives

Loyalty Programs

Introduce loyalty programs that offer rewards for continued business, encouraging repeat purchases.

This can make Passives feel more appreciated and valued.

Special Offers

Provide special offers or discounts tailored to Passives.

Exclusive deals can encourage them to engage more deeply with your brand.

4. Build Stronger Relationships

Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-ins and conduct customer surveys with Passives to gauge their satisfaction and address any concerns promptly.

Showing that you care can make a significant difference in their perception.

Community Building

Create a sense of community among your customers.

Invite Passives to participate in events, webinars, or online forums to foster a stronger connection with your brand.

5. Highlight Improvements


Be transparent about the changes you’re making based on their feedback from Net Promoter Score surveys.

Regularly update Passives on the improvements you’re implementing to enhance their experience.

Success Stories

Share success stories and testimonials from other customers who have had positive experiences with your product or service.

This can inspire Passives to see the potential benefits for themselves.

screenshot from trustmary's reporting dashboard

Measuring the Impact of Your Efforts

Track NPS Over Time

Monitor changes in your NPS score, which is derived from the Net Promoter Score question, to assess the effectiveness of your engagement strategies.

A rise in Promoters and a decrease in Passives indicate successful efforts.

Customer Feedback Analysis

Regularly analyze feedback from NPS surveys to identify new trends and areas for further improvement.

This continuous feedback loop is essential for long-term success.

Using Trustmary to Measure and Improve NPS

To effectively manage and engage with your NPS Passives, you need a reliable tool to measure and analyze customer feedback. Trustmary is an excellent solution for this purpose.

Why Trustmary?

Trustmary simplifies the process of collecting and analyzing NPS data, making it easier to identify and engage with your Passives.

Here’s how Trustmary can help:

  • Automated NPS Surveys: Send automated NPS surveys via email or SMS to gather real-time feedback from your customers.
  • Detailed Analytics: Gain insights into your NPS scores with comprehensive analytics. Track trends, segment responses, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Easy Integration: Integrate Trustmary with your CRM and other tools to streamline data collection and analysis.
  • Testimonial Collection: Turn positive feedback from Promoters into testimonials that can be showcased on your website and social media to build trust and attract new customers.

Getting Started with Trustmary

  1. Sign up for a free account (view pricing here)
  2. Use the user-friendly interface to create and customize your NPS surveys.
  3. Send surveys via email or SMS to your customer list.
  4. Use Trustmary’s analytics tools to gain insights into customer feedback and identify Passives.
  5. Implement strategies based on the feedback to convert Passives into Promoters.


NPS Passives represent a significant opportunity for growth.

By understanding their needs, improving their experience, and building stronger relationships, you can turn these lukewarm clients into enthusiastic advocates.

Implement these strategies to engage your Passive customers and watch your NPS score—and customer loyalty—rise.


How often should I reach out to NPS Passives?

Aim for regular but not overwhelming communication. Monthly or quarterly check-ins are usually sufficient.

What if Passives don’t respond to follow-up surveys?

Try different communication channels like phone calls or in-person meetings. Sometimes a more personal touch can elicit better responses.

Can incentives really turn Passives into Promoters?

Yes, incentives like loyalty programs and special offers can make Passives feel valued and appreciated, increasing their likelihood of becoming Promoters.

How do I prioritize improvements based on Passive feedback?

Focus on common themes and issues mentioned by multiple Passives. Prioritize changes that will have the broadest impact on customer satisfaction.

Should I treat Passives differently from Promoters and Detractors?

Yes, while each group needs attention, Passives require specific strategies to enhance their satisfaction and convert them into Promoters.

How can I turn passive customers into loyal ones?

To turn passive customers into loyal ones, refine your strategies by focusing on customer experience, analyzing NPS survey responses, and reviewing KPIs. Address factors that influence passivity and implement changes that enhance satisfaction.

How do I deal with unhappy customers and convert them into Promoters?

Identify unhappy customers, especially Detractors, and reach out to address their issues. By resolving their concerns and improving their experience, you can potentially convert them into loyal Promoters.

Aino Valtonen
Aino Valtonen
Aino Valtonen is a Growth Marketer at Trustmary. With a background in Linguistics, she is an expert in language and communication, as well as local SEO and review marketing.


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