Send Surveys with Mailchimp: 2 Different Methods

Petteri PuumalaPetteri Puumala
Last edited: August 29th, 2024
5 star reviews form

Considering sending surveys with Mailchimp?

You can do it directly in Mailchimp, but you might miss out on some great features.

Instead, use a dedicated feedback tool like Trustmary, and send the survey via Mailchimp.

Let’s see why and how that works.

Pros of Mailchimp Surveys

1. Integrated Platform: Mailchimp provides a unified platform for both email marketing and surveys. This integration simplifies the process of creating, distributing, and analyzing surveys alongside your email campaigns.

2. Easy Distribution: Mailchimp makes it easy to send surveys to your existing email lists. You can target specific segments, ensuring that your surveys reach the right audience.

3. Customizable Templates: Mailchimp offers a variety of survey templates that you can customize to match your brand. This helps in creating professional and visually appealing surveys without needing extensive design skills.

4. Analytics and Reporting: Mailchimp’s built-in analytics tools allow you to track survey responses and gain insights into your audience’s feedback. This data can be used to make informed decisions and improve your business strategies.

5. Automation: Mailchimp’s automation features enable you to set up automated follow-up emails based on survey responses. This can help you engage with respondents and address their feedback more effectively.

6. Cost-Effective: For businesses already using Mailchimp for email marketing, adding surveys can be a cost-effective solution. It eliminates the need for an additional survey tool, reducing overall costs.

Cons of Mailchimp Surveys

1. Limited Advanced Features: While Mailchimp offers basic survey functionalities, it lacks some of the advanced features found in dedicated survey platforms like Trustmary. These include complex logic branching, in-depth analytics, and more extensive customization options.

2. Response Rate Challenges: Surveys sent via email may sometimes have lower response rates compared to other distribution methods. Ensuring high engagement can require additional incentives or marketing efforts.

3. Design Limitations: Although customizable, Mailchimp’s survey design options are somewhat limited compared to specialized survey tools. This might restrict the ability to create highly interactive or visually unique surveys.

4. No Anonymous Surveys: Mailchimp surveys are typically linked to the recipient’s email address, which can deter some respondents who prefer anonymity. This can affect the honesty and openness of the feedback you receive.

5. Limited Survey Types: Mailchimp’s survey tools are primarily designed for basic customer feedback. For more specialized surveys like detailed market research, employee satisfaction, or complex academic studies, Mailchimp may not be the best fit.

Setting Up Your First Survey in Mailchimp

Step 1: Sign in to Mailchimp

First, log in to your Mailchimp account. If you don’t have an account yet, signing up is quick and easy.

Step 2: Create a Survey

Navigate to the “Create” button and select “Survey.” Choose from a variety of templates to get started. Customize your survey by adding your own questions, branding, and design elements.

Step 3: Choose Your Audience

Select the audience you want to send your survey to. You can choose from your existing email lists or create a new list specifically for your survey.

Step 4: Send and Monitor

Once your survey is ready, send it out to your audience. Monitor the responses through Mailchimp’s analytics dashboard to see how your survey is performing.

Why Use Trustmary for Customer Surveys Sent via Mailchimp?

While Mailchimp offers built-in survey tools, using Trustmary to create your surveys and sending them via Mailchimp can provide added benefits.

Let’s explore why this combination might be the best choice for your business.

1. Collect and Showcase Reviews

The number one factor that makes Trustmary the ultimate feedback survey tool is its capability to collect customer reviews at the same time as measuring customer satisfaction.

Instead of contacting your happy customers after the initial survey, you can collect their recommendations and public testimonials directly with the survey.

On top of collecting reviews, Trustmary allows you to showcase them on your website and other marketing channels.

Mailchimp alone does not support such features.

2. Specialized Survey Features

Trustmary offers advanced survey features tailored to gather deep insights.

With various question types, logic branching, and personalization options, you can create more effective and engaging surveys.

3. Better Response Rates

Trustmary’s user-friendly interface and engaging survey designs can help increase response rates.

By making surveys brief, visually appealing and easy to complete, more customers are likely to participate.

4. Comprehensive Analytics

Trustmary provides detailed analytics and survey reporting tools, offering a deeper understanding of the survey results.

This helps you identify trends, patterns, and actionable insights more effectively than basic analytics.

5. Automatic Branding

Trustmary will adapt your surveys to your brand’s style with just one click of a button, so you will save time on creating and editing the design.

6. Effective Templates

Trustmary features several survey templates that follow the Trustmary Method framework, resulting in more responses and more reviews.

You can simply choose your desired template and be ready to send it.

Seamless Distribution with Mailchimp

After creating a customer survey with Trustmary, you can distribute it to your audience using Mailchimp.

1. Broad Reach: Mailchimp’s extensive email marketing capabilities ensure your surveys reach a wide audience. You can easily target specific segments of your email list for more relevant feedback.

2. Integrated Campaigns: Combining Trustmary’s survey tools with Mailchimp’s email marketing features allows you to integrate surveys seamlessly into your existing marketing campaigns. This ensures a consistent brand experience and maximizes engagement.

3. Automated Follow-Ups: Mailchimp’s automation tools can send follow-up emails based on survey responses. This helps you engage with respondents, address concerns, or offer additional incentives.

Step-by-Step Guide: Using Trustmary with Mailchimp

Step 1: Create Your Survey in Trustmary

Log in to your Trustmary account and use the intuitive survey builder to create your survey. Customize it with various question types, logic branching, and your brand’s design elements.

Step 2: Export the Survey Link

Once your survey is ready, generate a shareable link from Trustmary. This link will be used to distribute the survey via Mailchimp.

Step 3: Set Up Your Mailchimp Campaign

Log in to Mailchimp and create a new email campaign. In the email body, include a call-to-action button or link directing recipients to the Trustmary survey.

Step 4: Send and Monitor

Send the campaign to your selected audience and monitor the performance through both Mailchimp’s and Trustmary’s analytics tools.


Using Trustmary for creating surveys and Mailchimp for distribution combines the strengths of both platforms.

This approach ensures you gather valuable feedback with advanced survey tools while reaching a broad audience through effective email campaigns.

Enhance your customer surveys today by leveraging the power of Trustmary and Mailchimp together.


Why should I use Trustmary for creating surveys?

Trustmary offers advanced survey features, user-friendly interfaces, and detailed analytics that help you create more effective surveys and gather deeper insights.

Can I integrate Trustmary surveys with Mailchimp?

Yes, you can create surveys in Trustmary and send them via Mailchimp by including the survey link in your email campaigns.

How do I increase survey response rates?

Using Trustmary’s engaging survey designs and Mailchimp’s targeted email campaigns can help increase response rates. Offering incentives and keeping surveys short also encourage participation.

What types of analytics does Trustmary offer?

Trustmary provides detailed analytics, including response trends, patterns, and actionable insights, which can help you make informed decisions based on survey feedback.

Is it easy to set up Trustmary surveys with Mailchimp?

Yes, creating a survey in Trustmary and distributing it via Mailchimp is straightforward. Simply create the survey, generate the link, and include it in your Mailchimp email campaign.

Petteri Puumala
Petteri Puumala
Petteri Puumala works as a Customer Retention Manager at Trustmary. He is especially knowledgeable on integrations and automations, and has helped dozens of businesses build automatic feedback and review collection processes.


Trustmary is the most effective way to convert more sales by improving digital trust.