Hohdepinnoitus: Customer Insight at the Heart of Growth

Last edited: February 13th, 2025
Collect customer feedback and reviews with one survey!
Try Trustmary
Home renovation company Hohdepinnoitus has automated collecting and displaying feedback and reviews using Trustmary and ERP Easoft. As a result, it received three times more feedback, was able to improve its operations based on feedback, and customers began to mention that they chose the company based on customer reviews.
The company’s mission is to extend the life of bathrooms and reduce unnecessary renovations by maintaining and coating them. The customers are consumers and housing associations, so building trust online is particularly important.
Hohdepinnoitus operates in three local areas in Finland. The company employs 22 people.
– The majority of our customers find us online or through good word of mouth from previous customers, says Jesper Eronen, Managing Director of Hohdepinnitus.

Typical Purchase Path
- Mapping of options (online and by asking friends)
- Leaving contact request
- A 30-minute visit by an expert
- Offer is sent via email based on the visit
- Once an offer is accepted, the job get scheduled
– Most of our customers are consumers, and they traditionally need to see social proof from customers who have already bought to support their purchasing decisions. Therefore, we have always focused on ensuring that our customers are genuinely satisfied and recommend us, says Eronen.
The company started systematically measuring customer experience two years ago with Trustmary.
Results: More Feedback, Happier Customers and Growth
✅ Increased trust – Customers often mention that they chose the company based on its good reviews.
✅ Feedback tripled – Thanks to automation, the company receives more valuable feedback.
✅ Customer experience improved – Staff development is supported by feedback, and installers’ reviews also influence their pay.
Challenge: How to improve the customer experience and strengthen trust?
Although Hohdepinnoitus received a lot of contact requests from customers, the company wanted to ensure that the customer experience was as good as they thought it was.
– It’s really important for us that we have a voice-of-customer program because we want to get actionable feedback that we can use to further improve our business. We think we must get authentic feedback on our processes so we know if they are as good as we think they are, says Eronen.
The company needed a clear and systematic way to collect feedback and develop its service based on it.

Solution: Systematic Measurement of Customer Experience
Hohdepinnoitus started using Trustmary two years ago, and initially, surveys were sent to customers with a slight delay.
– Our feedback collection was only 30% of what it could be, Eronen recalls.
Now, the sending of customer surveys is automated with integrating Trustmary with its ERP system, to ensure client gets the survey at the same time as their invoice.
– As soon as the surveys were automated to be sent at the same time as the invoice, we received significantly more feedback. This year, we’ll know the true state of our customer experience in real time, Eronen rejoices.
He estimates that the company will receive up to three times as much feedback than in previous years.
Better Customer Experience = More Money for Employees
In 2025, the company set up a reward fund for its staff, and one of the key reward criteria is customer satisfaction with an installer. The managers can receive bonuses if colleagues give good feedback on management in internal surveys.
– Every employee knows that their contribution matters and is genuinely assessed on an ongoing basis. It is the client, not the supervisor, who evaluates the success of the work, says Eronen.
In addition to motivation, the company can easily see if changes need to be made to working practices or if an individual employee needs additional training.
Right in the middle of the discussion, Eronen received new customer feedback.
– I just received feedback that said “Good service at a good price. Does not push any extra services. Work done well in a day, followed by clear instructions after installation.”
Comments from customers help the company validate that the service is good and consistent regardless of location. At the same time, these comments give potential customers a reliable picture of the company and its work.
Close to Customers with Trustmary
Although Eronen is the CEO and is not directly involved in installation anymore, he wants to be as close to the customers as possible. That’s why he reads the feedback he receives on Trustmary every week.
– I go over our customer feedback several times a week. It’s nice to look at them and see how things are going in the field, as I’m pretty far away from the daily work. Trustmary is the easiest way to keep track of the customer experience, Eronen says.

– Without Trustmary, we would be missing the backbone for validating that we’re doing great work. I would certainly not be prepared to give up Trustmary. It plays a surprisingly big role in our activities at the moment. I can say with all my heart that it is a good tool, says Eronen.
When you are close to the customer, you accumulate a lot of feedback and reviews over time.
Although Hohdepinnoitus competes for local search engine visibility and Google reviews are important, Eronen says it is more important to get as many customers’ voices heard as possible than to focus on Google reviews alone.
– The process of giving feedback and reviews with Trustmary is so user-friendly and effortless that we get many times more responses with that than directly asking for Google reviews, Eronen says.
By asking only the right number of questions, the survey response rate and the recommendation rate can be kept high. It’s all built into the Trustmary Method.
– I have not seen before the kind of easy and visually neat surveys that Trustmary provides. They can easily be made to fit our brand, he continues.

Easier Customer Acquisition with Trustmary
Eronen says the biggest benefit of using Trustmary is building trust with potential customers.
– Our number one priority is to give customers the confidence to book a survey and contact us with a lower threshold. That’s number one, Eronen times.
Feedback has been posted in many places on the website with review widgets, and the results speak for themselves.
– Customers tell us that they contacted us because they saw that we have so many good reviews, he continues.
In addition, Eronen believes it is important for the development of a company to have a real-time and accurate picture of the customer experience.
– The second most important thing, or shared first place, is the fact that we get immediate feedback on what we do. Whether it’s failures or successes, but getting immediate feedback on everything allows us to react to it. It’s essential for improving our operations, he continues.
Hohdepinnoitus plans to further improve its customer experience this year, and Trustmary is the perfect tool for that.
– Trustmary is perfect for companies that want more customers, value their customers, and want to take their business to the next level. It’s worth every penny, Eronen sums up.

Erica Ylimaki
Erica Ylimäki is a Growth Marketer at Trustmary. She is an expert in how to grow the organic traffic of a business with effective SEO strategies, and how to utilize reviews on different CMS and platforms.