Jeda Logistics: 69 Testimonials, 19 Google Reviews in 3 Months

Erica YlimäkiErica Ylimäki
Last edited: September 23rd, 2024

Focusing on customer experience is key, but you should also ask your clients how they think you're doing. Jeda Logistics did just that and now has a steady stream of reviews flying in.

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Jeda Logistics is on a mission to become Sydney’s preferred transport provider in the furniture industry. It provides its customers with a state-of-the-art customer experience by having highly trained staff and using a modern dispatch system that keeps customers informed about everything. Local visibility in search engines and the ability to show social proof are crucial in getting new business, so it decided to try using Trustmary.
Being a family business means that things are done with pride and professionalism at Jeda Logistics.

Customers can track every step of their delivery with real-time tracking links and an up-to-date ETA to make it easy to be home when packages arrive.

Read how Jeda Logistics ended up going from 7 Google reviews to

just by using Trustmary for three months.

Problem: Need for Google Reviews

As the furniture and package transport business is highly competitive, and potential customers rely on recommendations from friends and family, it’s important to have a great reputation.

This is a no-brainer for Jeda Logistics, but being able to prove their great work with customer reviews online was another story. 

As a local business, its customer acquisition relies heavily on visibility in search engines. The company decided to start collecting more Google reviews.

kiwi-xpress operates in sydney and needs google reviews for visibility

–  We need 5-star reviews to be posted straight to Google to prove that we do high-quality work, says Jeda Logistics’s Managing Director, Laura Anderson.

However, collecting Google reviews isn’t always as easy as one might think.

– We tried collecting Google reviews via a link sent by SMS. We followed the instructions online, but none of the reviews were making it to Google, Anderson explains.

Common reasons for not getting Google reviews:

  • Customers aren’t tech-savvy and lack the skills to give a Google review
  • Customers want to stay anonymous
  • Too many clicks, because customers have to sign in before reviewing
  • Wrong timing
  • Wrong method to collect

Solution: Make Reviewing Easier

Jeda Logistics has done everything by the book when it comes to optimizing the process of asking for reviews.

It had:

  • Automated review collection
  • Timed it to take place promptly after delivery
  • SMS used to reach customers (= same channel as other communication)

But still, there was no evidence online that their customers were happy.

It was time to test whether Google reviews were actually the problem.

– We changed the process from asking for Google reviews to asking for Trustmary reviews, Anderson says.

Staggering Results with Trustmary

Since January 2024, Jeda Logistics has received 

  • 171 responses to their customer survey, and 
  • 69 of them have been public reviews
  • 40% of respondents leave a public review
  • 19 new Google reviews
survey responses fly in with trustmary

Jeda Logistics still offers customers a chance to leave a Google review after answering the customer survey. It has resulted in 19 new Google reviews in addition to the Trustmary reviews.

Changing the process to first asking for Trustmary reviews has made a huge difference in the volume of reviews they now get regularly.

Social Proof to Offers

Now that Jeda Logistics has plenty of reviews, it has added a review widget to its website. 

The widget updates automatically keeping the content on the website fresh and dynamic without any manual actions.

review widget by trustmary on frong page to keep content fresh

Jeda Logistics has been especially pleased with the fact that they can have all reviews on one page.

– When we send out offers to new customers, we can include our public profile page that includes our overall star rating, number of reviews, Google reviews, and public Trustmary reviews, Anderson describes.

kiwi-xpress has a public profile page that they can add to offers

Being able to collect and manage online reviews with one simple tool has made a real difference for Jeda Logistics.

– I am grateful for the support provided by Trustmary. I raised my issues with them, and they proactively worked with me to solve each one. Now our reviews are loading automatically on our website and our Google reviews are climbing.  I couldn’t be more pleased with the results! Thank you so much Petteri, and the team at Trustmary, Anderson concludes.


Erica Ylimäki
Erica Ylimäki
Erica Ylimäki is a Growth Marketer at Trustmary. She is an expert in how to grow the organic traffic of a business with effective SEO strategies, and how to utilize reviews on different CMS and platforms.


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