Improved way of presenting your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

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Last edited: August 8th, 2024

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best way to present your nps data with one tool

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures your customer loyalty. Once you have this data collected, you need to present NPS results in an understandable way to be able to reduce churn and drive action to get high NPS scores in the long run.

Find out the best ways below ⬇️

Short Introduction to NPS

Net Promoter Score is said to be the “one number to grow“, because it can be used as a reliable indicator of organic growth.

NPS is measured by asking customers the NPS question:

“How likely are you to recommend us to your friend or colleague?”

They are given a likert scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the most likely.

Based on the answers, your customers are divided into three groups: promoters, NPS passives and detractors.

Psst, you can also use eNPS to measure your employee loyalty!

Customer Loyalty at the Heart of NPS

As the net promoter system doesn’t concentrate on how happy customer are, but rather measures their willingness to recommend something, it’s referred to as the best way to measure customer loyalty.

In addition, it’s a great way to measure the overall customer experience, as people only recommend something they’re happy with.

Thanks to the versatility of NPS, the gathered customer data can be used as a tool to reduce customer churn in the long run.

Learn more about NPS tools.

Analyzing NPS Survey Data

When you’ve send out your NPS surveys and got responses, it’s time to calculate net promoter score.

Take the number of promoters (they gave you 9 or 10), subtract the number of detractors (1-6) and multiply by 100. Your NPS will be anything between -100 and 100.

Anything above 0 is considered to be a good NPS.

calculate nps results

Feel free to try our NPS calculator and it does the work for you!

Once you’ve got your NPS score, you can start the real net promoter score analysis.

Promoters Love You!

It’s nice to get good feedback, but more importantly you should focus on figuring out why they love you in the first place.

Your promoters are the most likely to buy from you again and again, so it makes sense to focus on understanding their needs and wishes better.

Discover your promoters, and get reviews from them!

Book your free meeting to learn how 👀

Detractors Need Immediate Attention

If someone has taken their time to provide you negative feedback, you need to act fast.

Fix the issues they mentioned to turn them into happy customers. However, be critical in evaluating the importance of customers in this group.

Not every customer is an ideal customer for you. It might be that you aren’t the right solution for them after all, so it might be good if they left you.

This group is where you can find areas that you need to improve on quickly to improve usability and to get new ideas for further development.

Passives Are Dangerous if Forgotten

Passives are the easiest to convert into loyal customers. Your service is a great fit for them, but there’s something missing or not functioning.

Find out what those issues are, fix them and turn passives into promoters!

4 Ways to Visualize Net Promoter Score Results

You can present your NPS survey data in many ways. Different purposes might require using a different visualization method.

No matter what industry you operate in, here are four ways to present NPS results you can get inspired by.

1. Stacked Bar

Stacked bar are an easy way to show how the different groups are changing in relation to one another and month to month.

stacked bar nps results

2. Line Chart

Line charts are great in visualizing the monthly or weekly progress.

nps line chart

3. Pie Charts

Pie charts aren’t typically used when presenting NPS results, but it’s doable! They are rarer to find, as they don’t represent any change, but only the current situation.

nps pie chart

4. Single Values

One of the most simple ways to present NPS is to only visualize the separate values.

single value visualisation nps

It can include, for example:

  • NPS last month, (change to previous month)
  • Passives %
  • Detractors%
  • Promoter %

This style allows you to have a really cut-throat approach to which group you want to focus on during the next month or quarter.

Improved Way to Present NPS Results

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive way to present NPS results, try a combination of stacked bar and line chart.

We updated the way we present your Net Promoter Score (NPS) on the front page of our dashboard.

You can select the calculation interval on the right side: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

how to report nps results easily

It will be easier to react to rapid changes in your business when you are able to inspect the score in smaller intervals.

Earlier we only showed you the cumulative NPS. An answer given today will have the same weight as an answer given 6 months ago. This option is still available by selecting the preferred time frame on left and then selecting the interval as Cumulative.

cumulative NPS

Read more about using NPS in your business here:

What is NPS and how you measure it?

FAQ on Presenting NPS Results

How can I improve my NPS presentation?

You can improve your NPS presentation by using visual aids like graphs and charts, segmenting your data to show trends among different customer groups, and providing context for your scores by comparing them to industry benchmarks.

What tools can help in presenting NPS?

Various tools can help present NPS effectively, including survey platforms that offer built-in NPS analytics, data visualization tools like Tableau or Google Data Studio, and customer feedback management systems.

Trustmary’s reporting feature is an easy way to visually show your NPS results. The best part is that it’s automatically generated for you, and you can share it as a link, so you never have to download and send pdf files to stakeholders anymore.

What should I do with the feedback from NPS surveys?

Use the feedback to identify areas for improvement in your products or services. Address issues raised by Detractors, and leverage positive feedback from Promoters to strengthen your marketing efforts. In other words, get marketing to share NPS across all channels.

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