Legal Overview
This page contains a summary of Trustmary’s legal matters. By using Trustmary, you agree to the following documents:

Terms of service, privacy, and other legal aspects
We are happy to provide additional information and offer, for example, the information gathered on this page, to make it easier for our customers and users to understand the service and make the necessary changes to their own privacy policies and other necessary materials.
However, we do not provide legal advice and we do not take responsibility for the use of any material we offer as part of our customers’ or third parties’ materials.
We always recommend our customers and other stakeholders to create legal documents together with lawyers.
Terms of Service
Trustmary’s terms of service disclose the legal agreements between the service provider (Trustmary) and the customer. The up-to-date terms of service can be found here: Terms of Service
List of Sub-Processors
Our service providers and their servers’ physical locations can be found in the List of Sub-processors. The list can be found here: GDPR – List of Sub-Processors
Privacy Policy
Trustmary’s privacy policy discloses the ways your data as a user is gathered and managed. The complete privacy policy can be found here: Privacy Policy
Data Protection Addendum (DPA)
Our Data Protection Addendum can be found here: Data Protection Addendum